29. Together we can do

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The whole Jiang's throne room fell silent after listening to Lan Wangji's sudden decision. It was as if time had stopped, the gravity of his words hanging in the air.

Jiang Fengmian understood that the unfortunate attack on Wei Ying had triggered Lan Wangji's protective instincts, making him feel more possessive and determined to ensure his mate's safety. However, getting married was a significant decision, and both Wei Ying and Lan Wangji were still quite young. Marriage preparations were no small matter; they required meticulous planning and adherence to tradition.

Jiang Fengmian cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "Hanguang Jun, while I understand your intentions and the urgency you feel, marriage is a substantial commitment. Both of you are still very young, and there are many preparations that need to be made. This is not something to be taken lightly or rushed into."

Lan Wangji's expression remained resolute. "I understand, Sect Leader Jiang. But my feelings for Wei Ying are sincere and unwavering. I believe this marriage will ensure his safety and solidify our bond."

Madam Yu, her expression still stern but softening slightly, spoke up. "Marriage requires not just love but also careful consideration and planning. We must adhere to tradition and ensure everything is done properly. This is not just about protection; it is about uniting our families and clans."

Jiang Yanli stepped forward, her voice gentle but firm. "A'Xian loves Lan Wangji. If this is what he truly wants, we should support him. But we must also ensure that everything is done according to tradition and with proper respect."

Wen Qing nodded in agreement. "Wei Wuxian's health comes first. Once he is fully recovered, we can discuss the details of the marriage and make the necessary preparations."

Jiang Cheng, still processing the sudden announcement, finally spoke. "We will support this decision if it is what Wei Wuxian wants. But we must proceed with caution and respect for our traditions."

Jiang Fengmian looked at Lan Wangji, his expression thoughtful. "We will discuss this with Wei Wuxian once he is awake and ensure it is truly what he wants. Until then, we will focus on his recovery and strengthening our defenses."

Lan Wangji nodded, accepting their concerns and agreeing to proceed with patience. "Thank you, Sect Leader Jiang. I appreciate your understanding and support. I will wait for Wei Ying's full recovery before making any further decisions."

The atmosphere in the throne room relaxed slightly, the initial shock giving way to a sense of unity and purpose. The Jiang Clan and their allies were determined to protect Wei Wuxian and support his and Lan Wangji's future together.

As the meeting concluded, Lan Wangji returned to Wei Wuxian's side, his resolve strengthened. He knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but with the support of their families and their unwavering love for each other, they would overcome any obstacles that came their way.

When Lan Wangji got back to the room, he saw that the bed was empty and heard noises coming from the washroom area. Concerned, he moved towards it to check and found Wei Ying inside the bathtub. Wei Ying's head was resting on the side, his long silk hair flowing freely, his eyes closed, and his fair skin looking incredibly tempting.

Lan Zhan quietly approached and stood behind Wei Ying, starting to massage his scalp. Wei Ying, recognizing the familiar scent and touch, did not flinch and instead enjoyed the pampering from his Lan Zhan.

"Thank you, Lan Zhan. This feels good," Wei Ying said gratefully, appreciating Lan Zhan's gentle treatment.

Lan Zhan hummed in response and continued the head massage. The room fell into a comfortable silence, with Wei Ying feeling relaxed and Lan Zhan hesitating about sharing his marriage decision.

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