31. Demonic cultivation

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The photo is my personal favorite...

In the middle of the night, two figures moved quietly through the dense jungle. Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze, mates and married for a year, were on a desperate journey. The woman, Cangse Sanren, cradled a small baby in her arms. This baby, their own precious child, was none other than Wei Wuxian.

Their steps were weary as they reached a serene lake, and they decided to stop and rest. The man, Wei Changze, quickly set up a small hut for his family near the water's edge. His worry for his wife and their newborn son was palpable.

"We need to reach my mother," Cangse Sanren said, her voice tinged with urgency. "She will know what to do."

Wei Changze nodded in agreement. The birth of an omega boy was an unusual occurrence, especially among rough cultivators like themselves. It made their baby both precious and vulnerable, and they were determined to protect him at all costs.
After three years, the couple had settled near by Yunmeng, living a peaceful life with their precious child, Wei Wuxian.

"Wuxian, try to focus, my dear," Wei Changze gently urged hid son as they meditated together. The three-year-old Wuxian was mischievous and had a hard time sitting still for meditation. After visiting Baoshan Sanren a few years back, they had learned how to train Wuxian to prepare for future challenges.

"Wuxian is doing it baba", he said slighly smiling. Wei Changaze chuckled at his son's mischievous behavior and continued their meditating.

One sunny afternoon, Wei Wuxian was playing outside by himself. His curiosity piqued when he noticed something rustling near a bush. Approaching it with wide-eyed wonder, he suddenly felt a strong hand clamp over his mouth from behind. Panic surged through him as he struggled to breathe, his small body thrashing in an attempt to free himself from the suffocating grip.


"No... please... I... can't... anhh..." Wei Ying mumbled in his sleep, thrashing and sweating.

"Wei Ying, wake up," Lan Zhan called softly, his voice filled with concern. He had come to bid goodbye to Wei Ying before leaving for Gusu for the wedding preparations, but found his beloved caught in a nightmare.

Wei Ying jolted awake, his eyes wide with shock. Seeing Lan Zhan beside him brought an immediate sense of relief. He glanced around the room, confirming he was safe, then took the small cup of water Lan Zhan offered.

"Bad dream?" Lan Zhan asked, gently caressing Wei Ying's left cheek with his fingers.

"Hmm," Wei Ying nodded, his eyes big and lips pouty. "Hugs," he requested.

Lan Zhan wrapped his arms around Wei Ying, holding him close. He caressed Wei Ying's back and whispered soothing hums into his ear, providing comfort and reassurance. Wei Ying nestled into Lan Zhan's embrace, feeling the tension slowly melt away.

"Wei Ying," Lan Zhan called softly after some time. "I am leaving for Gusu."

Wei Ying pulled back slightly to look at Lan Zhan, his eyes reflecting a mix of lingering fear and understanding. "So soon?" he asked, his voice tinged with disappointment.

Lan Zhan nodded, his gaze steady and reassuring. "I need to oversee our wedding preparations. But I will return again for our wedding."

Wei Ying nodded, trying to muster a smile. "I understand. Just... be safe, Lan Zhan."

Lan Zhan pressed a gentle kiss to Wei Ying's forehead. "You too, Wei Ying. Rest and take care of yourself. I'll be back before you know it & that time I will take you with me."

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