2.15 - thirty days without an accident

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In which our heroes have adjusted

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In which our heroes have adjusted.

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Raucous laughter floated through the guard tower, drunken laughing and singing resonating in the walls. The group of young adults in the centre of it all had grown sneakier and sneakier with their escapades, the guard tower their unofficial base of operations.

The moonshine was brewed in abundance, the majority sent to Dr. S and Hershel for their medical supply, a few bottles saved for midnight parties. Almost every fortnight, Cassie, Rudy, John, Beth, and Bones met in the dark tower, occasionally joined by Maggie and Glenn, or Beth's boyfriend, Zack - much to John's distaste.

That night was the same as any, a bottle shared between the group, laughter howled over one of Beth's drinking games. The morning would bring about light headaches (none of them stupid enough to get fully drunk in an apocalypse), which soon passed, and the day's work began.

Currently the five friends, plus Zack (who was tolerated by most of the group, but only really liked by Beth), sat in a circle, immersed in their ongoing game of 'Never have I ever'.

"Never have I ever had a crush on someone's dad," Beth spoke, her tongue stuck between her teeth as she smiled sweetly.

She giggled slightly as John took a sip, his eyes darting guiltily across the circle. Accusing eyes turned on him, a demanding cough echoing through the newfound silence.

"Who's dad did you have a crush on?" Rudy asked.

He looked to the floor, shaking his head lightly. "The rules don't say I have to tell." He cleared his throat, glad that the dark was concealing his reddening face.

"Oh, come on, man-"

"Johnny?" Beth pressed, batting her eyelashes, her eyes digging into his.

He gulped, bringing a hand to the back of his neck as his blush spread, and it wouldn't be surprising if his entire skin was red by now.

"Rick- Rick Grimes," He mumbled, avoiding eye contact with the gaping mouths before him.

"You're disgusting." Cassie's entire face was shrivelled with disgust, her eyes oozing with silent judgement.

"Ok, but like- the hair, the figure, the attitude! How can you not-"

"Nope," Cassie yelled, smacking a hand over her mouth and retreating from her spot next to him. "I can't play this game anymore."

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