🏵️ Chapter Thirty-Nine : Her Letter To Him

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Wednesday, June 11th, 1980

The sun had barely begun to peek over the horizon as Jeongguk got ready for his duties aboard the ship.

The gentle hum of the engines and the rhythmic rocking of the vessel had become a familiar backdrop to his mornings.

Jeongguk stood in front of his small locker, pulling out his neatly pressed uniform.

He slipped into his navy blue trousers, tucking in his crisp white shirt, and buttoned up his jacket, adorned with his rank insignia.

He fastened his belt, ensuring everything was in place, and adjusted his hat before heading out.

His polished black boots echoed softly against the metal floors of the ship as he made his way to the deck.

As he stepped onto the deck, he was greeted by the cool morning breeze and the sight of endless ocean stretching out in all directions.

Jeongguk took a deep breath, feeling the salty air fill his lungs.

It was moments like these that made him appreciate the vastness of the sea and the adventure it promised.

He quickly checked in with his superior, then moved to his assigned station.

Jeongguk's duties varied from day to day, but this morning he was tasked with overseeing the maintenance of the ship's communication systems.

He spent the next few hours meticulously checking equipment, running diagnostics, and ensuring everything was in perfect working order.

His focus was steady, but his thoughts occasionally drifted to Lisa and the life he had temporarily left behind.

After a few hours, Jeongguk took a break and made his way to the mess hall, where he met up with his friends, fellow marines.

They greeted each other warmly, although Jeongguk didn't recall the name well. They exchanged familiar banter, shared stories, and laughter.

"Hey Jeongguk," Minho called out, sliding into a seat next to him. "How's the engine room looking after this morning's scare?"

Jeongguk sighed, shaking his head. "Yeah, the coolant leak was a bit of a mess. We had to shut down one of the engines for repairs. Spent the whole morning making sure everything was running smoothly again."

Seungkwan leaned in, lowering his voice slightly. "I heard the chief was pretty upset about it."

"Upset is an understatement," Jeongguk replied, chuckling. "He was fuming. But luckily, it didn't impact our schedule much. The maintenance crew really stepped up."

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