🏵️ Chapter Seventeen : One Late Night

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After successfully performing the operation, Taehyun meticulously washed his hands in the scrub room, methodically scrubbing each finger and nail to ensure thorough cleanliness.

Once satisfied, he removed his mask, disposable cap, and hand gloves, disposing of them in the designated bin.

With a sense of accomplishment, he left the scrub room, ready to move on to his next task and made his way to his office.

Finally, with a deep breath, he settled into his chair, ready to review patient charts, make notes, and attend to any other administrative tasks that required his attention.

After settling into his chair, Taehyun glanced at the clock on the wall.

It was already late evening, and the hospital corridors were quieter than usual.

As he began reviewing patient charts, his mind drifted back to the operation he had just completed.

Despite the success of the surgery, Taehyun couldn't shake off a lingering concern for his patient's recovery.

Lost in thought, he absentmindedly reached for a cup of tea on his desk, taking a sip to soothe his parched throat.

The warmth of the tea offered a momentary comfort amidst the intensity of his work.

However, his respite was short-lived as the ringing of his phone interrupted the silence of his office.

With a sigh, Taehyun answered the call, prepared to address any urgent matters that required his attention.

As the night wore on, Taehyun immersed himself in his work, diligently attending to the needs of his patients and ensuring that everything was in order for the following day.

Finally completing his last task, Taehyun stretched his tired muscles and made his way out of his office, the dimly lit corridors of the hospital eerily quiet at this late hour.

Just as he was about to turn the corner, he heard his name being called.

Turning around, he saw Namjoon, approaching him with a tired but friendly smile.

"Hey, Tae! You look worn out," Namjoon remarked, concern evident in his voice.

Taehyun managed a small smile in response. "Yeah, it's been a long night."

Namjoon nodded sympathetically. "Just finished your tasks?"

Taehyun nodded. "Just a few hours ago. What brings you here at this hour?"

Namjoon sighed, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "There's a last-minute report that I need to fill out and submit by tomorrow morning. The joy of paperwork, right?"

Taehyun chuckled in agreement. "Tell me about it. Anyway, I could use a drink. Care to join me?"

Namjoon's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "Absolutely. I know just the place."

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