🏵️ Chapter Seven : Challenges

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Thursday, February 21th, 1980

Sunlight streamed through the hospital windows as Lisa walked down the hall to her office. Nurse Sana, always on top of things, was there, getting ready for the day.

"Hey, Sana! How's it looking today?" Lisa was greeted with a smile.

"Morning, Dr. Lisa! All set for your patient meetings. We're good to go," Sana replied, returning the smile.

"Nice. Anything important from yesterday's cases?" Lisa asked.

Sana thought for a second. "Smooth day. No big issues. Dr. Kim left a note about a test result in your office."

"Thanks for telling me. I'll check that soon. What's on the agenda for today?" Lisa inquired.

"Regular check-ups and a couple of new patients. Plus, you've got a meeting with Dr. Park later," Sana explained, looking at her clipboard.

"Got it. Let's make today easy-breezy," Lisa said.

"For sure, Dr. Lisa. Anything you need, let me know," Sana assured her.

"Thanks, Sana," Lisa said appreciatively.

After finishing her shift eight hours ago, Lisa decided to hail a taxi to take her to the Lorelei train station.

Once she arrived, she stepped out of the taxi and looked around the station.

The place was calm but still showed signs of destruction.

Lisa walked around, noticing that there were not many people around.

She took the opportunity to search for the bouquet she had left next to Julia's body two days ago.

Luckily, she found it, now placed neatly on a bench. Lisa picked it up and admired its beauty.

Looking around, Lisa saw the destroyed train still sitting there.

It was a sad reminder that she could no longer use the train to get home and had to rely on taxis instead.

With the bouquet in hand, she hailed a taxi to take her home.


Jeongguk lay motionless in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), his once crisply pressed uniform replaced by a patient gown, and a bandage wrapped around his head where his marine cap once sat.

He remained unconscious, diagnosed with a coma, his features marred by wounds and injuries.

Suddenly, a figure entered the room, their anxiety palpable as they struggled to hold back tears.

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