🏵️ Chapter Forty : Solemn

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Thursday, June 12th, 1980

The graveyard was dim under the gray afternoon sky, with dark clouds casting shadows over everything.

Dressed in black, the mourners whispered condolences as they solemnly surrounded Grandma Annie's grave while Lisa stood within the group, her eyes fixed.

After the event, Yoonseok, Sungmin, Seokjin, Eunwoo and their wives had already left, leaving Lisa alone in her thoughts.

Taehyun lingered nearby, uncertain whether to approach Lisa. He could see she was deeply affected.

Tears had left her face red and her eyes swollen. Grandma Annie had meant a lot to Lisa, even though they weren't related by blood.

Taehyun felt a mix of emotions. He loved his grandmother deeply, and seeing Lisa so visibly shaken made his heartache.

After a moment, Taehyun decided to leave her be. He turned away quietly, not wanting to intrude on her moment of grief.

The wind rustled softly through the trees, adding to the solemnity of the moment.

Alone now, Lisa bowed her head and silently bid farewell to Grandma Annie.

Her face still tinged with the aftermath of tears, she stood there, lost in thoughts of the woman who had been like family to her.

As Lisa finally walked away from Grandma Annie's grave, her heart heavy with sorrow and memories, she made her way towards the parking lot.

The sky, still heavy with clouds, threatened rain, mirroring her sombre mood.

As she reached the edge of the parking lot, pulling out her phone to call for a taxi, she heard a voice from behind her. "Lisa."

She turned to see Taehyun standing under a large tree, his hands casually tucked into his pockets, his expression unreadable as ever.

Despite the distance between them, she could feel his gaze piercing through her.

"I give you a ride," Taehyun offered quietly, his voice cutting through the silence between them.

There was a hint of insistence in his tone that caught Lisa off guard.

Lisa hesitated, her thumb hovering over her phone.

She remembered the last time Taehyun had driven her, just four days ago, when they had shared a brief moment.

She wasn't sure she wanted to be alone with him again, especially not now when emotions were still raw from the funeral.

Lisa replied softly. "I'll just take a taxi."

Taehyun didn't move, his gaze steady on her. He began again, his tone gentle yet firm. "It's going to rain soon. Let me give you a ride."

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