Kidnapped by a Brit?

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The screen opens on a women beating a punching bag. "Hi, I'm Jade Allen. And that girl beating the absolute shit out of the punching bag? That's me. And the guy behind me who looks like he's gonna die of excitement? That's my little brother, Barry." The camera pans to an overly excited Barry Allen.

"Hey, It's me!" Barry grinned and Oliver sent him a deadpanned look, "She did say that you had a sister."

"C'mon Jadie, Joe's making lasagna!" She looked over at him and smiled softly, "Go on, I'll meet you there, I gotta clean up." Her brother nods and super-speeds off. Jade starts to clean up, unwrapping the tape from her hands and stuffing it into her bag pausing for a second, "You know it's not nice to sneak up on a lady." she glances over her shoulder to see a man in a trench coat.

Rip leaned forward at seeing himself on the screen.

He starts to approach her but Jade quickly swipes his legs out from underneath him and puts her knee on his chest. His hands raise in surrender, "I mean you no harm." She raises an eyebrow, "Then why were you sneaking up on me?" He thinks for a second, "Well, because..." He flashes a device in her face and she falls unconscious.

"So.. you're just kidnapping people?" Cisco says with furrowed brows. The rest of Team Flash sighs "Cisco.." He throws his hands up, "It's a valid question!"

She wakes up groaning on a rooftop looking over to see Sarah Lance, Ray Palmer, Mick Rory, Leonard Snart, both Hawks, and both halves of Firestorm. She groans again, "What the fuck happened?" Sarah glances over at her, "That's what I would like to know." 

"That would be my fault. My name's Rip Hunter." The same man that grabbed her at the gym said as he stood on the ledge of the roof "I'm from East London. Oh, and the future." Jade's eyes widen, "He says as if that's a completely normal thing to say." He barely glances over when the two criminals point their guns at them. The large one, Mick as she vaguely remembered, tried to shoot him as he responded, "Nice to meet you, Rip." The British man- Rip- looked at him to explain that he tampered with their weapons. Jade looked at him weirdly, "Dude! Privacy!"

Most people in the room nod at that

Rip ignores her and says, "I've assembled you all because I need your help. The future of the world is in peril because of a man named Vandal Savage." The Hawks and Jade exchanged a glance before Carter speaks up, "That's impossible, we destroyed him." I gesture to him and say, "Yeah, my baby brother and I almost died doing it."

Barry looked offended, "Hey! I made it out unharmed!" Caitlin sends him a look. "Mostly." He backtracked.

Rip looked between them, "Therein lay the problem, unless Ms. Saunders or Mr. Hall deliver the final blow he can restore himself from a single particle." Carter caught the furrowed brows from the two halves of firestorm, "Savage is immortal, Kendra and I reincarnate." Sarah turned to hi, "Yeah, I've done that." Mick once again put in his two cents, "What the hell does this Randell guy gotta do with us?"

Jade sighed, and looked around. She didn't see heroes, I mean yeah sure they had great abilities and tech, but all she saw was misfits. People who didn't fit in. Then, with a start she realized she was a misfit too.

The people in the room who were also on the roof were slightly offended until they realized what she was saying.

"I know it's difficult to fathom," Rip pressed "but in 2166, all of you, aren't just heroes, you're legends." Jade and Sarah shared a skeptical gaze, them? legends? Neither of them saw it. "Legends?" Ray asked with a large puppy-like smile. Martin stuttered a bit, "Forgive me if I'm wrong, but doesn't a legend have to be dead?" Jax then decides to speak up, "Yeah see, that's kind of a deal breaker, so that'll be a no from me." Jade furrowed her brows, "Isn't this 150 years in the future? Of course we'll be dead."

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