We're Off to Steal an Emerald

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"We've arrived in Leipzig, Germany, the most current location for Vandal Savage." Gideon said as they touched down, "And by the way Captain, you are urgently needed in the med-bay." Rip stands from the captain's chair and runs to the med-bay Stein and Ray following. Rip came back after stabilizing her to update them on her condition, "Pieces of the dagger have broken off and, as we speak, are enroute to her heart." Jade raised an eyebrow, "I'm guessing we can't do an Iron Man?" Her comment went largely ignored except for amused looks from Sara and the Rouges.

Cisco was practically squealing, "Another movie geek!" Barry sighed but had a smile on his face from the reference.

Jax sighed, "Can't we just jump to the future and get the things to save her?" Rip gave him a glance, "This ship is from the very same future and has thus far been unsuccessful in helping," Snart pitched in, "Plus, Kendra wouldn't survive another time jump." He shrugged at the raised eyebrows he got, "I pay attention."

Mick grunted, "To sum up, Carter's dead, his girlfriend not far behind, Vandal Savage is sitting pretty in 1975, which we're all stuck in. That how the plan's supposed to go, Rip?" Rip sighs, "Obviously not, but the mission is simple. We stop Vandal Savage in the past and save the future." An unintentionally synchronized answer came from Jade and Snart, "Simple don't mean easy." They shared a surprised look before shrugging it off.

"I don't like it." Barry said and Snart sent him a smirk

"Oh, I never said it was. The benefit of being a Time Master is the length and breadth of history gives one.... perspective." Rip makes eye contact with each of us, "I've seen darker days. I've seen men of steel die and dark knights fall, and even then, I completed my mission. Gideon, What's our status?" Gideon's disembodied head popped up, "When we were attack by Chronos, the jumpship was damaged. Unless we make repairs, we will be unable to..." Jax held up his hands, "Wait up, jumpship? Rip absentmindedly replied, "It's a small expeditionary vessel at the belly of the Waverider....You're a mechanic!" Jade raised her eyebrows at the sudden mood change as Rip excitedly gave Jax a job, "You have a look at it."

"Uh.. auto mechanic," He gestured to himself and then the ship, "spaceship." He then sighed at the look he was getting from Rip, "Alright, get me a set of wrenches, I'll see what I can do." Jade followed him out, stopping in the kitchen and asking Gideon to fabricate an apple for her. She then walked to the jumpship and found Jax looking at the jumpship's wiring confused, "Red to blue, yellow to green, then connect them to the right side. After that you insert the gear and make sure it's attached to the lights inside to power it up." Jax looked at her confused, "How?" Jade smiled, "You cant be friends with the people at STAR Labs without picking a few things up." The two started to work on the jumpship, and it started going faster once they realized there was an instruction manual.

"I'm an influence!" Cisco said excitedly and people shot him a weird look.

"Nice ride!"Jade glanced at the door as Mick and Snart boarded the jumpship. Jax smiled, "Yeah, it can hit mach 3 in a walk. Pretty cool." Snart furrowed his eyebrows, "How'd you know so much about it?" Jade holds up the manual as she raises a brow, "Why do I get the feeling you want something?" He sends her a smirk, "You read the part on how to fly this thing." Jax looked at him, "Maybe, why?" Snart sits, "We're gonna take a little trip to Central City. There's a priceless jewel that needs to be freed from captivity." Jax started to walk away, "Wow. Carter is dead, Kendra's close to joining him, and Vandal Savage is out doing god knows what. All you can think about is stealing some diamond?" Snart drawls out, "It's an emerald." Jade raised an eyebrow at him and he shot her a look. She sighed, "Fine, but no one dies." He gives her a small nod and she sits in the seat to pilot. She glanced over her shoulder, "I would sit down if I were you, Jax."

Jax hurriedly sat down as the jumpship left the Waverider, landing on the roof of Central City Museum. Not even 20 minutes later the two criminals returned from the museum, Snart turning to Jade saying, "1629 Handley Avenue." She furrowed her brows as Mick connected the dots telling them that he was giving the emerald to his father to stop him from going to prison. Jade sent Snart a look that read 'Are you sure' He sent one back that said 'Yes'. She nodded and started the jumpship landing down the street from the house.

"Still don't like it." Barry said stubbornly. 

Ten minutes later, Snart came back and sat down Jade glanced at him before starting the jumpship to head back to the Waverider. Martin's voice sounded over the jumpship's comms, "Jefferson? Jefferson, where are you?" Jax looked around, "It's a long story." Martin sighed, "It doesn't matter. Gideon is sending you coordinates for the Greyhill Building. Sara and Rip are in danger." Jade's eyes widened and she immediately started the jumpship towards the coordinates, "Let's go save my best friend." Jax sent her a look, "And Rip." She just waved him off, "Yeah yeah, him too."

Snorts were heard around the room as Sara smiled softly.

》▪︎ ¤ ▪︎《

The doors bust open as Jade, Mick, and Snart enter the room. She left the boys to their dramatic entrance as she ran to Sara and undid her binds, handing her a knife. She began to send blasts of fire and air at Savages men only stopping when she heard Rip shout "Get Carter and get back to the ship!" Savage slams something to the ground and a blastwave is sent out sending everyone to the ground. Rip recovers and jumps on him sending them both to the ground. Jade quickly followed as the team retreated.

》▪︎ ¤ ▪︎《

Jade walked onto the bridge as Rip said, "I should have told you guys I had already tried to kill Vandal Savage, the only reason I wasn't successful was.." Ray cut him off, "You didn't have us." Martin, in his typical fashion said, "Obviously, Raymond and I had our hands full tending to Ms. Saunders, but now that she's fully restored..." Rip continued, "We're back at full strength." Kendra frowned, "As strong as we can be without Carter."

"Quite true, but there's no point in us continuing any further" Rip says, "Unless we all, myself included, commit to working in concert." Snart looked at him, "You don't ditch us we won't ditch you. Deal?" Before Rip could answer Gideon cut in, "I've finished my scan of the timeline, I calculate a 98% likelihood Vandal Savages reappears in 1986." Jade snapped her fingers, "Dirty Work, Rolling Stones. Good song."

"She just knows this off the top of her head?" Oliver asks earning shrugs

Rip ignored her, "Chart a course Gideon. Guess we're headed to the 80's." Ray grinned, "Better break out our parachute pants." Jade looked at him appalled, "Why?"

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