Oliver is One Old Bitch

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Now back safely on the Waverider, Mick passed around alcohol saying, "Courtesy of Yuri the bear." Jade took the bottle and filled her glass to the brim, "Gotta love Russian alcohol." Leonard nodded and held up his glass Jade clinked her glass against his, "Cheers, Sweetie." He smiled and said "Cheers, Princess." They zoned back into the conversation to hear Gideon say, "The projections of the future are back to normal." Jade sighed in relief and grabbed Sara's hand, laying her head on Leonard's shoulder. He looked down at her with a small smile.

Barry shook his head, "I don't like it."

She held up her shot, "To our loved ones being safe, and the alcohol being strong!" Everyone raised their glasses and drank them, Sara and Jade slamming them back in unison. A few seconds of peace was all they were granted before they were hit by something and the ship shook. Leonard's hands shot out to steady Jade and she gave him a weak smile before rushing to strap into a seat.

Leonard's eyes widened, he wasn't that protective over anyone but his sister.

Another shake rattled through out the vessel and Jade winced, yelling out, "What was that?" Gideon, calm as ever, responded, "We're being struck by explosive projectiles." Rip groaned, "Everyone get strapped in now! I don't understand, were in the temporal zone, no one should be able to-" The ship shook once more and Leonard said, "You were saying?"

"A scan of the vessel reveals it to be the bounty hunter Chronos." Jax groans at Gideon's words, "This guy has great timing." Rip pressed a button and Gideon spoke, "Firing countermeasures.... Countermeasures effective." Stein addressed her, "Have we lost him?" Gideon spoke back, "Yes, but not his missile. Our aft field is severely compromised." Rip sighed, "Activating evasive maneuvers."

Ray gagged, "Oh the Vodka was a bad choice" Jade shook her head, "No it wasn't. You're just a lightwe-." Gideon interrupted Jade's rude comment, "Impact in three.. two.. one." As the ship shook Gideon's voice appeared once more, informing them, "We have been knocked out of the time stream." Jade's eyes widened, "What the hell does that mean?" Rip glanced back at her, "It means... we're crash landing in space and time."

Dig sarcastically aid, "Lovely."


After the rough landing, the team stumbled out of the Waverider. Rip turned back to the ship, "Gideon camouflage, this does not seem like the kind of place we'd want to linger in." Ray looked up to a building, "Hey, this looks like Palmer tech. But.. why does it have a Smoak logo?" Jade and Sara shared a look. Jade spoke up, "Guys, this is Star City" Sara turned to Rip, "I thought the future was intact." Rip nodded, "It is in 2016, this... is 2046."

Team Arrow's eyes widened at the state of their home.

Next thing they knew, a man dressed in a green arrow costume pointed an arrow at them, "Don't move!" Sara sighed, "Oh thank god." Jade shook her head, "That's not Ollie." Sara ignored her and took a step forward and the Oliver look-alike pointed the arrow at her, "I said don't move."

Oliver said at the same time as Jade, "That's not me."

Sara's eyebrows furrowed, "It's me, it's Sara." Ray stepped forward, "Hey, Oliver, look, I know it's been a long time, but remember Rip Hunter recruited us to be legends?" Jade shook her head, she knew Oliver, and that wasn't him. It was only confirmed when he said, "I never heard of any legends." and released his arrow.


The arrow that had been shot exploded behind them. Mick pulled out his heat gun and jade made balls of water appear in her hands. The man then used a grappling hook arrow to swing closer to them. Rip shouted at his team, "Get back!" Jade launched both water ball at the man and jumped behind a car. "This a friend of yours?" Mick asked, "I don't like him."

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