Prison Break

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"Gulag 54, formerly known as Koshmar or the Nightmare Gulag. Built in the 18th century-"

"Can we skip past the Wikipedia crap and get to the part on how to get in?" Leonard asked looking up at the ceiling. At Gideon's silence Jade furrowed her brows, "Perhaps you didn't register that as a question, G?" Gideon seemed to let out an almost sigh, "I understood, but in its 200 years of operation, no one has successfully escaped from-" Leonard scoffed, "No offense Gideon, but I've never met a building I couldn't break into." Rip held a hopeful look, "I do hope you're right Mr. Snart. While Savage knows Stein helped create FIRESTORM, if he finds out he is FIRESTORM-" Jade looks over to him, "I get this is serious and all, but do you always talk like you have Shakespeare shoved up your ass?" 

Barry sighed, "Pick a time, J." Cisco furrowed his brows, "J?" Barry shrugged, "Just because it's another universe, doesn't mean she isn't my sister." Cisco shrugged and nodded.

Sara snorted and Leonard sent her a smirk as Rip let out an exasperated sigh, Leonard shook his head to get back on topic, "Always Savage with you, isn't it? My partner's in there too." Sara sent him a deadpan look, "And Ray." Leonard waved her off, "Yeah whatever. The point is, you," He pointed to Rip, "didn't lift a finger." The Captain glared at him, "You know damn well it was never my intention to get them thrown into a gulag, but I had no other option. Besides, I doubt that it's Mr. Rory's first time in prison or second or, I imagine, tenth."

Jade put her hand on Leonard's to stop him from punching the Captain, removing it once he took a deep breath. "Look, It doesn't matter how many times Micky's been to prison, I went for petty theft. The point is, he doesn't have to be there." Jade said, "Fighting isn't going to get them out any sooner." Leonard looked at her and murmured, "Petty theft?" She shrugged, "I was bullied by this really big bitch in high school, so I stole her $700 diamond necklace. It's still in my jewelry box in Central right now." He smirked at her and nodded,  "Nice." 

Barry frowned, "Me no likey." He got several amused looks.

"Rip's right, criminal's usually do feel more at home in prison, especially ones they're more familiar with." Jade looked over to her best friend, "What's goin' on in that beautiful head of yours?" Sara sent her a smile as she said, "What if the way to break in is to talk to someone who's been in and out of Russian prison their whole life?" Jade' eyes widened as she looked over to Sara, "You're not suggesting?" Sara shrugged and nodded. Jade let out a harsh breath, "I guess it makes sense."

Oliver's eyebrows draw in and he looks at Sara, "It seems you guys are really close." She seemed confused but nodded.

The boys looked between them with a confused gaze, and Rip decided to speak, "Who would that be?" Jade and Sara shared a look before Jade answered, "You ever heard of the bratva?" Leonards eyebrows traveled far up on his forehead, "Ooh, the Russian mob. In 1986 they would have ruled the criminal underground." He shared a mischievous look and a smirk with Jade

》▪︎ ¤ ▪︎《

Rip and Leonard were talking to the leader of the bratva while Jade and Sara waited outside so that the could take out the other men if needed. Jade and Sara were quietly talking, "I feel like ice cream. You?" Sara nodded, "Yeah, it sounds really good." Jade nodded before sighing as she heard the leader calling for backup, "Now I gotta do shit." She kicked down the door moving inside with Sara. She found herself quickly surrounded by three different men. She grabbed one man's wrist before kicking off of the ground and kicking another man in the chest, when the man stumbled back she released the other man wrist before punching him in the throat and landing a kick to his ribs and then his head, knocking him out. 

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