The Hot Russian Lady Triggers Jade's Gaydar

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"That wasn't so bad now was it?" Rip asked as the Waverider touched down. Snart rolled his eyes, "Walk in the par. So where are we now?" Rip looked over at him, "Washington D.C., the year is 1986." Stein seemed excited for some reason, "We've landed at the height of the Cold War poised with nuclear annihilation." Jade nodded with a frown. and Gideon piped up, "We've traveled here because I have a new lead for Vandal Savage's location." "Yes," Rip said, "Gideon has managed to intercept this tele-fax with Savage's most likely coordinates."

"Tele-what?" Jax asked. Jade looked over, "An email that's on paper, and wastes ink." Jax nodded his understanding and Mick grunted, "Wow that's completely useless." Jade snickered and Jax sighed, "Dude, this thing's completely crossed out." Rip absentmindedly replied, "Yes, redacted by the US government, which is why we are here to retrieve the file from the people who are tracking Savage."

Ray glanced out the window and started to freak out, "Uh.. that's the uh..." Jade gave him a weird look before looking out the window too and laughing at what she found, "You really are a crazy Englishman" Rip gave her an exasperated look, "Now now, Don't worry we are cloaked." Mick raised his eyebrows, "You want us to break into the Pentagon? Sounds awesome." Sara stepped forward, "What's the plan?" Rip leaned against the table as he said,"Oh, the fabricator can make you the necessary credentials." Ray gave a puppy-like grin, "Ooh! Don't for get the G-man disguises. I always wanted to be a spy."

"He wants them to break into the pentagon?" Barry asks Oliver nods, "It seems so."

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"The file is kept in a secure records room. In order to gain access we're going to need to, oh, borrow a magnetic keycard." Rip's voice sounded in Jade's ear as Ray rolled his eyes, "Because this is easier than shrinking down and stealing it." Snart and Jade shared a look and rolled their eyes. Snart looked back at Ray, "Watch and learn." He tripped a high ranking female officer and caught her a she fell. Jade smirked as she pretended to mop. Snart acted concerned, "Are you alright ma'am?" She nodded as he put her back on her feet and she hurried off to do her probably important duties. Ray seemed mildly impressed, "Neat trick." He then sighed as Snart brought out the woman's wallet. Jade grinned, "You got any twenties in there? I owe Sara for a bet." Snart smirked and passed over three twenties from the woman's wallet Jade took them and stuffed them in her pocket. Snart passed Sara the keycard as she passed them and the three started to leave stealthily.

Barry put his head in his hands and let out a heavy.

As they were leaving, They saw Kendra hawk out. Her eyes turned red and she clawed a guard's face. Sarah spoke into her comm, "Guys, we have a problem." Jade moved to her side and looked at her, "We're not gonna be able to talk down Tweety over there. You want me to fly you to the ship?" Sara shrugged and hopped on Jade's back. Snart called over to them, "What about us?" Jade shrugged, "Well sweetie, it seems that you and 'Honey I shrunk the Kids' are gonna have to find another way back." She then lifted off of the ground in a wind funnel.

The Rogues laughed at the nickname as Ray looked confused.

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When they got back to the ship it was clear Rip was mad at them. Ray, being his usual sunshiney self, said, "Instead of dwelling on what went wrong, let's focus on the positives." Mick seemed confused, "What do you mean? That was awesome." Martin, who was annoyed with Jax, spat out, "In the same way that earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters are 'awesome'." Kendra shrugged, "At least we got the file on Savage." Martin looked at his nuclear counterpart, "Despite the snag with the alarm?" Jax looked offended, "Oh, so now it's my fault now? You know, maybe if you weren't yammering in my head all the time I could actually focus." Martin got even more annoyed, "You have access to 60 years worth of knowledge. Why don't you take advantage of that?" Jax started to yell, "Because it's my body that's on the line out there not yours!"

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