We go Nuke Shopping

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"And we've arrived, Gideon if you would camouflage us as an alpine meadow perhaps?" Rip asked as they landed. Snart looked over to his partner, "What are you complaining about? It's not like we time jumped." Mick grunted, "I hate flying, especially in whatever this is." Carter looked at Rip "Where are we?" he asked and Kendra added, "We're still in 1975 right?" Rip nodded as he stood, "Indeed, 1975 in the fjords of of northern Norway."

Snart smirked, "Sounds like a vacation." Rip moved to the light table, "One we can take once Vandal Savage has been neutralized, Mr. Snart." He grabbed a little red book from the table and Carter recognized it, "That's Aldus' notebook." Jade furrowed her eyebrows, "What's in there?" Rip looked up, "Professor Boardman theorized that Savage might be here, and if he's right, and if we can capture Savage, maybe he didn't die in vain."

Kendra looked at him, "Can't we go back and save Aldus?" Carter nodded in agreement, "He was our son." Rip sighed, "Look, I'm sorry, but we can't go back and change events we already participated in, time would fold in on itself and create a temporal vortex." Jade looked at the hawks, "And, if Barry is a model on how it works when you change it, you'll just make an alternate timeline where things are worse then they were before." Rip looked at her and nodded in agreement.

"Hey! How did I get brought into this?!" Barry shouted. Oliver looked at him, "The way we just saw." 

Sarah rolled her eyes, "Forgetting physics and Barry's issues for a second, Shouldn't we find out what Savage is doing in Norway?" Rip looked back at the screen, "According to Gideon, There's a large meeting of terrorists and fringe groups, looking to buy and sell illegal arms." Mick grinned, "Now that sounds like a vacation!" Snart nodded, "Arms dealers and terrorists aren't exactly our kind of people but they're the next best thing." Carter looked over to them, "Look like you and your lapdog get to earn your keep." Jade looked at him with raised eyebrows, "When do you earn yours? So far, all you've done is brought your past self's son here to die of a laser blast."

Snart lowly whistled and looked over to where Carter was sitting, "Look's like red's alternate universe sister doesn't like you very much." Carter just glared at him.

Mick and Snart exchanged smirks. Kendra cleared her throat and tried to change the subject, "So, what exactly does one wear to a black market arms bazaar?" Rip shrugged, "The Waverider's fabrication room should make anything you need." He started to walk off and Jax called out to him, "You've got a room that makes clothing?" Rip turned around and walked backwards, "Doesn't everybody?" Jade shook her head, "If I did I wouldn't be here."

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Jade, Sarah, Martin, and the Rouges stood outside of the arms sale scanning the area

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Jade, Sarah, Martin, and the Rouges stood outside of the arms sale scanning the area. Sarah saw the entrance, "Looks like they're checking credentials." Jax sounded over the comms, "And you don't have any." Jade smirked at the criminals, "You boys got you're pick pocketing hands ready?" They exchanged a smirk and nodded, "We've got this." Snart moved forward and bumped into a man, picking his credentials out of his pocket, "Excuse you." We moved forward to the entrance, and the guard at the door glared at us, "ID's?" Snart hands him the stolen card and the guard looks it over, glancing back at us, "You don't look like an Ahmad Ahmed Izz-Al-Din." Snart smirked and easily lied, "I'm Arab on my mother's side." What no one expected, however, was for Martin to step forward.

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