Chapter 4

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Louis' pov

"So will you go check it out mate? I don't know if they are dead or what, and to be honest I don't really care, I just need my money." I said into the receiver. 

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll be on the way after I call Liam to come with me as back up. In case anything happens to go wrong." Niall replied to me. 

"Alright, thanks man. I'll see you in a bit." I said hanging up. 

I turned off the car and opened the door, stepping out. I locked my car and walked up to my house. My door is wide open when I get to it. Oh, shit. I walked further in and looked around. My furniture was everywhere and flipped upside down. 

"Louis Tomlinson. Long time no talk.."Luke said emitting from the dark. "How have you been?" He smirked.

"What are you doing in my house, Luke?" I groaned leaning against the door. 

"Calum sent us. He wanted us to give you a little warning. If you don't get us our money, well, it wont be good." Ashton tsked coming into view. 

"So, your warning is fucking up my house?!" I yelled loudly. I walked in and slammed my front door behind me. "Pick it the fuck up!" I yelled. 

"Oh, no. Messing up your house was because we were bored waiting for you to get done at dinner with your sister." Ashton said. 

"How'd you know that?" I questioned getting tired of their bull shit. "I swear, if you fucking touch her I wont stop until your dead!" I yelled. 

"We know all about you, Tomlinson. We even know about little Aurora." Luke smiled evilly. "She's a sassy little one, isnt she mate?"

"Don't bring her into this!" I said. I probably looked like one of those cartoon characters that get red and then smoke comes out of their ears. 

"Anyway, our warning is to beat the shit out of you." Luke said walking towards me. I rolled my eyes. 

"You really think you can-" A punch was thrown at my jaw, knocking me off my feet. Ashton stood above me smirking and then kicked me in the stomach. Luke joined, and they did exactly what they said they were going to do, before finally leaving. 

I can't believe they know about Aurora. What if they hurt her? Oh, God, she's alone right now at Niall's. They don't know where Niall lives, but at the same time, they could. They knew everything else. 

I stood up with all my might and shakily walked out of my house and got into my car. I started it up and drove the route to Niall's. I groaned every time I hit a pot hole due to the many bruises forming on my body. 

Aurora's Pov

I sat on the floor next to Paisley, Niall's little sister, and handed her the cereal she had asked for. She smiled and took it from me before going back to watching Paw Patrol on Nick Jr. 

Niall was all Paisley had anymore. She's all he had too though. Their parents were murdered when she was 3, so I guess she has it better than Niall. She barley remembers them, and she calls Niall dad due to not knowing who her real parents were. I bet they were killed due to the gang thing. It was probably related to it, I wouldn't doubt it. 

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. 

"I'll get it!!" She yelled getting up. 

"NO! I got it." I smiled. She shrugged her shoulders sitting back down. I couldn't risk it being someone they didn't like and her get taken or something. I'm not much different from her, I mean someone could take me in a heartbeat, but I still like to think I could prevent anything bad happening. 

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