Chapter 8

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Louis' POV

"No, no please!" I begged. "Don't hit mum." I cried. I was shaking vigorously as I stepped in front of my mum. 

"Move, brat!" My father yelled shoving me to the side. I got up quickly and went to run to my mothers side, but she stopped me. 

"Baby, just go to your room. I'll be okay." she smiled, even though she knew what pain was coming her way. 

"But mum-"

"Sweetheart, please." she pleaded looking at me, and then my impatient alcoholic father. I just nodded in defeat and slowly made my way to my room. As I entered it, I slid my back down the door and cradled my legs up to my chest. My knees were rested under my chin and I sighed.

Time seemed to go in slow motion as I heard each grunt and cry come from my mother. I wish I could do something, but I was only 7. There isn't much I really could do.  All I could do was listen to my mother cry out from the painful punches flying her way. I would've gladly taken them, or somehow taken the pain away, but the was not a possibility. For only being 7, I was all too familiar with these cries, and I was too used to feeling bruises forming on my body. I was too used to living in these circumstances, and I knew this wasn't how people were supposed to live. 

Suddenly the cries stopped, and I knew that she probably fainted from all the pain. I heard heavy footsteps make their way past my room to the master bedroom. I dashed out of my room and into the living room where my mother laid, passed out with new bruises forming on her body. 

"It's going to be okay mummy." I said putting her head in my lap while tears rolled down my cheeks. I kissed the top of her head and rocked back and forth while keeping my eyes on her. "We will be happy one day. I promise."


I sat up quickly hitting my sweaty head against someone else's. I groaned and rubbed my eyes before letting them adjust to the darkness. 

"Louis?" A voice sounded from behind me. I looked back and saw Aurora looking at me, her brown eyes wide. 

"What?" I grumbled. 

"Are you okay?" She asked putting her hand on my shoulder. 

"I'm fine." 

"No, you aren't. You had a nightmare. Do you have them often?" 

"Yes, Aurora I do." I sighed. I had been awake barely 5 minutes and she was already on my last damn nerves, but I love that she cares, so I guess it isn't that bad. 

"What are they about? Why don't you see a doctor?" She asked scooting closer to me. I could see all of her features perfectly. Her face was scrunched with her eyes full of concern. She leaned in and scanned my face. "This can't be healthy. There could be something wrong. I'll make you an appointment for tomorrow and I'll go with you. Who's your doc-"

"Aurora!" I whisper-yelled due to noticing that Paisley was asleep on the other couch. "I don't need a doctor. I'm completely okay, and I don't even have a doctor." 

"Why don't you have a doctor? That's dangerous! What if you got hurt?" she said looking at me as if I was the craziest man alive. Looking at her this worried for my safety made me have a strange sense of comfort. I haven't had someone that actually cared for me since the summer of last year, and its been so fucking lonely since I lost her. 

"I'm fine. If it's my time, then it's my time. I shouldn't try and decided when I go." I shrugged looking into her eyes deeply. "Everything is going to be okay." I said putting my hand on her cheek and rubbing my thumb back and forth. 

I had always seen this in those stupid romantic movies Malia made watch all the damn time. I had no clue what the fuck I was doing, but I put the thoughts aside and focused all my attention back on her. 

"Lou?" she questioned leaning into my hand a bit. 


"Are you going to kiss me?" She asked, a slight blush forming on her face. 

"Are you okay with me kissing you?" She nodded slightly, so I lean in closer to her. I put my forehead onto hers, looking into her eyes again silently asking for permission once more. She nodded and smiled sweetly before leaning towards me. Our lips brushed for a couple seconds, both of us nervous, and I was about to press our lips together until the front door flew open and Niall barged in looking pissed as ever. 

Aurora jumped up and scooted to the other side of the couch. She played with her fingers like she always did when she was nervous about something.

Niall stomped over and sat between us. 

"What's up, mate?" I asked slinging my arm over the back of the couch. Aurora looked at me with shock in her face. I'm guessing she was wondering how I'm being so calm, but it's really not a big deal, we literally only almost kissed. We weren't in the middle of fucking or anything. 

"Jonah didn't show up with the fucking drugs, and he just sent these fucking hit men, and they were shooting at us and holy fuck! I'm so sick of this shit!" He yelled slamming his fists on the table. 

Immediately Paisley shot up and looked around with the most confused face I've ever seen on her. 

"Daddy? What's wrong? Why are you yelling?" she questioned wiping her eyes and standing up. She walked over to him and climbed into his lap. 

"Nothing, princess. Everything is okay." She just nodded and laid her head on his chest. He sighed and kissed her head. He loved that little girl, and I envied him for it. I wish I could love someone that much. I hope one day I'll find someone and we will have a little girl that I can spoil, or a little boy I can play catch with, and treat better than my father did me and my sister. I would make sure to be the best person I could be to them. 

"Well, I'm going to hit the hay." Aurora said standing up and yawning. "Goodnight guys! See you in the morning!" She said running up the stairs. 

"Yeah, I'm gonna head home, and sleep.." I said standing. 

"Is your house even fixed back yet?" Niall questioned softly. 

"No, but my mattress is flat so I can sleep on it." I shrugged. 

"Sleep here until it gets done, I have a spare room." 

"No, it's fine." 

"No, you're sleeping here. Go." Niall said standing up and heading to put Paisley to sleep. 

I'm so happy to have people like Niall, Liam, Zayn and Harry in my life. Well, and I guess Aurora too. 

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