CHAPTER 13 - Strike Back

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The next morning, Amy awoke to the castle buzzing with alarming news. Amy wrapped the beige silk nightgown around herself and she walked to the living room portion of her suite.

"Six Eukatian diplomats in Newktar have been killed by an airstrike administered by Eukatia," the female news anchor, Raheel Anderson, was saying. "Now what the purpose of this airstrike was is unknown as the six diplomats killed were Eukatian and not Tars. However the thing common between them was that they were all from Shimmersea. Could this have anything to do with Lord Sebastian Behrouz stepping forward, claiming his identity and making a claim to Sandonnia?"

"Now that would make for a good conspiracy theory," replied the male news anchor, Patrick Adams, sitting next to her.

Dread filled Amy. It was clear that Eukatia was trying to prove a point for Ethan's family to back down.

With Ethan and Tyler being preoccupied with the murder of the diplomats, Amy and Cherry spent the day together, exploring the castle. Cherry got some good footages for her YouTube channel. It was nearly enough to take Amy's mind of everything that was happening - nearly. Amy kept on thinking about how Ethan would be reacting to the murder of the diplomats. He was the head of the army after all and, as far as Amy knew him, he was hot-headed.

At lunchtime, Cherry and Amy decided to order lunch in Amy's suite. Amy felt so anxious that she didn't want to go to eat in the Court Dining Hall. She wanted to know what was going on. Her parents were back home in mainland Eukatia and she was certain that this attack by the Knights was enough to provoke Ethan. She switched on the TV.

"We have had clear word from Mr. Ethan Behrouz that there will be consequences for the attack," the same female news reporter, Raheel, stated. "We do not know what the Behrouz family are planning but we do know that they are furious at the murder of their diplomats. Now, it was not clear to us this morning whether the diplomats were in Newktar on behalf of Eukatia or Sandonnia - yes that medieval kingdom name is coming back into use as Lord Sebastian Behrouz is in negotiations with King Alaric to take Shimmersea back. It turns out the diplomats did indeed belong to Sandonnia. Now, why Eukatia chose to attack them (as they are still Eukatian citizens) is beyond me. Regardless, citizens have been advised not to leave their homes. All public places have been shut -"

Her male colleague, Patrick, interrupted her and stated, "Sorry for cutting you off, Raheel, but we have just received word that King Alaric states, anyone of the Behrouz lineage is hereby declared guilty of high treason. Anyone that speaks in their favour or helps the Behrouz family in any way will also be committing acts of treason and will be arrested and possibly executed immediately."

Raheel gaped like a fish before motioning for the camera team to cut the broadcast.

"I can't," she took a staggered breath. "My family... I'm sorry."

And then the TV screen went black.

Amy and Cherry sat there, stunned. What just happened? Everything seemed like a political stunt to scare people into submission. But it would only infuriate Ethan and his father more. There was very little that those two were scared of. Submission was not even the last thing they would do.

"Don't even think about going back to Eukatia right now," Cherry swallowed after a few minutes. "The Knights will be after your head. You are the prime way to get to Ethan."

"What about my parents?" Amy breathed. "Oh my God, what if they have already arrested mum and dad? This is wrong! Why are they arresting and killing people?!"

"I will talk to Tyler when he's free to talk," Cherry let out a shaky breath. "My parents are there too ... and Melanie. What if they arrest her? She hasn't even finished Primary School yet."

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