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Reina let out a sigh and shook her head hearing all that she was from the boys. "Kadaj the reason Viven isn't listening to him is because he was never in her life as she grew up. She doesn't see him as a parental like she does me. I bet you the moment Leo and Viven see me they are going to bolt straight to me and hug my legs. I've been the one to raise the two of them not their mothers, and certainly not their fathers."

"I still can't believe my brother would leave his girl pregnant and not realize she was pregnant." Kadaj said shaking his head

"Yeah well your brother hasn't ever been the smartest of people Kadaj." Genesis said shaking his head

Reina nodded her head in agreement "I gotta agree with Gen on this, just to pass high school I had to be the one to tutor his ass in our core classes. And he only passed with a low B in most of his classes."

"Oh wow...I graduated with high honors in my class...guess I know now which one of us is the smarter one."

Reina nodded her head once more. "Genesis, I'm going to need you, Cloud and Zack to be with me on the day of me suing Angeal and Sephiroth. I want them to realize that they have completely fucked up."

"I can attest against them that's not a problem." Zack said with a grin

Cloud nodded his head in agreement "I want to see the two of them get what they deserve, you have my support Reina. What they had done to you was nonsense, you shouldn't have had to deal with that."

"Thank you boys." Reina said with a smile

The lot of them continued their practice the rest of the day, a week later it was time for the court date. Reina was dressed formally with Genesis, Zack, Cloud, Kadaj and Anya behind her supporting her. When Sephiroth saw that his younger brother was supporting Reina over him-he got pissed but didn't say a word as he and Angeal had sat on the other side of the court room with the two girls. The two children instantly seeing Reina bolted up to Reina. "Mama!" They said in unison as they went up to her crying

Reina smiled a little at the two children, she picked both of them up and hugged them tightly. "Hey squirts, I'm not your mother. I'm your auntie. The women you two have been with this entire time are your mothers." Reina said shaking her head

"No...you are our mother, you take care of us not them." Viven said shaking her head sadly

Leo refused to let her go. "You're mommy not her, she meanie." Leo said sadly

Reina got up holding both of the kids before she gave Viven to Sephiroth before she gave Leo to Angeal. She then spoke to Angeal. "This isn't going to end well for you or him-so enjoy the time you have with your child while you can. This is probably going to be the last time you see him for a bit."

"I....I know Reina and I truly am sorry that this is happening."

"I warned you and you didn't take it to heart. So this is karma Angeal." She said before she walked back to sitting by her lawyer. It wasn't long before they saw the judge come in-which was a Raven haired female with teal eyes. All of them rose up standing when she came in before sitting back down. 

The judge then looked over the case and let out a sigh. "So this is a case of the the plaintiff Reina Rozarrio has complaints to suing the defendants; Angeal Hewley, Sephiroth Silverwing, Tira and Tara Tsugami for fraudulent purchases of her debit card, stealing her debit card, Emotional, Mental and physical trauma and abuse as well as 18.3 Thousand dollars, as well as the parental custody of Leo Hewley and Viven Silverwing."

Hearing the amount that Reina had chosen to sue the four with Genesis looked at Angeal and Sephiroth only to see that Sephiroth didn't look all that happy as Angeal just looked down upset that he knew that things would go bad for them.

[COMPLETE] Loveless Hearts [Genesis Rhaspsodos love story] Modern AuWhere stories live. Discover now