Chapter 1: Missing

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Chapter 1


The rumbling semi- truck passing by outside made Carrie remember that tomorrow was garbage day. She had already lain down in bed but forced herself, complaints and all to gather the garbage from around the apartment and head outside. The air was so cool at night in Canyon Creek and at this time so quiet; living next to Rollingwood Hills park made that so. Not being a native born Canyon Creek made Carrie think twice about going outside so late at night clad in pajamas. The residents seem to think they are invincible, that everyday violence won't happen to them, but as a whole Canyon Creek was a very safe place to live. For this moment Carrie turned off the natural instinct she had being brought up in the city. If she worked fast she would be fine Carried thought to herself. It was dark, god it was dark; it made her nervous.

After walking down the steps and walking beyond the cover of the tall pine trees next to her apartment Carrie could see the full moon in the sky. Its light created enough illumination to make her internal red flags go away.

The trash containment area for the apartment complex looked so much farther away at night than it did in the day. With caution Carrie continued her walk, she looked all around, no one was behind her, no one was visible. All of a sudden something jumped on her calves from behind causing Carrie to jump and throw the bag of trash in the air. She looked down.

"Oh hello," Carrie sighed in relief.

It was Tibbles, her neighbor's cat. It must have followed Carrie when she passed the downstairs apartment; cats are so sneaky she thought. Sighing again Carrie picked up the flung trash bag as Tibbles ran around to the back of the garbage bin.

The trash area was a three-sided yellow painted cinder block monstrosity and was filthy on its best day. Carrie threw her trash bag in to the enormous bin which to her surprise made a thud sound.

"Guess it's not quite full yet," Carrie murmured.

Scratching sounds made her pause for a moment, she then smiled. "Tibbles, Tibbles, what are you doing back there?"

When Carrie went past the garbage bin she was startled by a woman standing by herself in the darkness. Carrie's heart leapt up to her throat, she took several steps back, her hands gripped her chest in fear. Her mind was confused for a moment because she recognized the woman standing before her.

"Margaret, what the hell are you doing here!" exclaimed Carrie.

"Oh, just hanging out," answered Margaret.

"Hanging out...I guess trash gravitates to trash.

"You were always so funny Carrie."

"What do you want Margaret?" said Carrie her voice more concerned.

She knew that Margaret's sudden appearance was not a social call. Margaret never worked alone. Abigail's minions always went everywhere in threes. Carrie looked around, she could not see anyone else, but she knew the other two had to be near; and she was not wrong.

"Si, yes, funny, I agree," said Josefina walking towards Carrie from behind.

"I never found her funny, she's just a sarcastic selfish bitch," said Elizabeth, joining Josefina.

"Oh look, the gangs all here," said Carrie in a sarcastic tone.

"Yes we are," said Margaret. "Abigail wants to see you."

"I've already told Abigail I'm done teaching classes at the yoga studio and going to the retreats. I don't agree with her teaching methods; it's nothing personal."

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