Chapter 10: The Last One

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Chapter 10

The Last One

A rhythmic drumbeat came from the lanai; a figure dressed in a long red velvet hooded cloak walked down the steps. They held a wood framed drum in one hand, in the other hand held a padded drumstick. The round end tapped the animal stretched skin; tap tap, tap tap, tap tap. Behind the drummer walked a second hooded figure wearing a midnight blue velvet cloak. The cloak had what appeared to be star constellations connected with silver and gold threading pinpointed with sequins. A third red velvet cloak figure that walked last cradled a metal box in the palms of their hands. The drum beat continued until the blue cloaked person reached the center of the lanai. With both hands the figure pulled down the hood, uncovering their head. In pride they looked up; it was Abigail Wickham.

"Good evening to all, I am so pleased that each and every one of you was able to make it here tonight. I am Abigail Wickham, owner of Moon Goddess Yoga and Retreats; welcome, welcome," said Abigail waving her arms towards both sides of the lanai. "This event is for hard working women, tired, unappreciated women like you; that is why I started Moon Goddess Yoga. Women give so much; so much energy."

At that Abigail opened the lid of the metal box the second red velvet cloaked person was holding. The inside of the box glowed a bright red. Abigail removed the red glowing object and held it above her head; a red stone shimmered in her hands. "Give energy tonight and it will be returned to you tenfold!" yelled Abigail. All the women that were around hooted, hollered; or just plain yelled unintelligible words. "The lion's gate is open; the moon red like blood, the veil between the worlds is thin. The Elixir of Life's cup will fill," continued Abigail.

After Abigail spoke these words the red stone glowed even brighter. All the women near the lanai, their faces glowed red, each in short intervals. Margaret's mouth gaped open; she noticed that Abigail's face appeared younger somehow. Her hair looked shiny and thicker than it did this morning. Margaret then noticed that the woman's whose faces glowed red looked older and tired. "STOP, STOP!" yelled Margaret

At this moment the red cloaked person holding the box pulled something from inside the inner lid of that very same vessel, a beautiful ornate dagger. They held the dagger above their head, then plunged the dagger in to the chest of Abigail Wickham; Abigail dropped the glowing red stone as she stumbled to the ground. Tracee stood stunned as she watched from the window; she had to tell herself to move. She bolted out of the room as panicked screams filled the house. When she got to the bottom of the stairs, someone was banging on the front door; Tracee opened the door and John flew past her; gun drawn, running to the lanai. John saw the blood on the hands of a red cloaked person and pointed his gun towards them. They were laughing and holding a red stone.

"Put it down!" yelled John.

"I did it; I got the last one!" said red cloak laughing. The other red cloak with the drum also started laughing. All John could think was what the fuck is going on. What have I stumbled on to this time? John could hear the sounds of sirens closing in on the house. The two red cloaks laughed so hard that their hoods fell back uncovering their faces.

"I did it; I killed the last Wickham!" bellowed Carrie, red cloak who carried the metal box.

"The last line of their witch coven is no more!" said Allison, red cloak with the drum. Witch hunters; the Steinberg sisters were witch hunters. John would have never guessed this craziness. Carrie then staggered, the stone glowed again, she screamed, but did not let go of the stone. Carrie's brown hair began to turn red, her brown eyes now as green as grass. A voice not Carrie's came from her mouth. An aura glow formed around her body it crackled and warped.

"The Wickhams can never be stopped; here, or beyond this realm. We grow stronger." The voice of Lenora Wickham, Abigail's aunt, was strong and clear; Allison grabbed the stone from her sister's hand and threw it in to the fire pit in front of them. A light wind drifted by making the flames in the pit flicker; Lenora was gone. John lowered his gun as the sound of the sirens halted; the blue and red lights bounced off the inner walls of Abigail's mansion. John knew that as a Black man, if the police saw him with a gun they would turn their attention to him, and his life would be in great danger. Margaret, Elizabeth and Josefina stood there stunned as the police led Carrie and Allison Steinberg away in handcuffs.

"I always knew you were a trashy ass bitch Carrie who couldn't be trusted!" yelled Elizabeth.

"I did all of you a favor, she and her kind are dangerous; I saved you all; and you know it!" Carrie yelled back at the three women.

Margaret turned toward Elizabeth and Josefina; she could see in their eyes that Carrie spoke the truth. Margaret saw the faces of the women change as Abigail held the red stone. Margaret all of a sudden was exhausted, she felt weak, dizzy, and Josefina's loud gasps made John turn his attention to the three women. He rushed over to Margaret before she hit the ground. Paramedics had arrived on the scene checking those whom asked for medical attention; a paramedic rushed over as two more brought a gurney. Elizabeth and Josefina followed the ambulance to the hospital, concerned for their friend's wellbeing.

John now turned his attention to Tracee. "Are you okay Tracee, you don't look well."

"I was drugged," Tracee said.

"What!" exclaimed John.

"They gave me detox tea, it wasn't very strong, I don't think Abigail would let anyone give me something that was dangerous," said Tracee, calm.

"It may have been magic mushrooms, they use that here. Oh, did I forget to mention that?" smirked John.

Tracee's mouth gaped open. "Are you kidding me!" she said pretending to hit John hard on the arm.

"You'll be fine, but you shouldn't be alone for a few hours, just in case; are you hungry?" asked John.

"I could eat."

"Chinese sound good?"

"Perfect," smiled Tracee.

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