Chapter 6: A Lie by Omission

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Chapter 6

A Lie by Omission

Carrie felt like a deer in headlights, she took a big sigh and explained everything to Allison; except for Abigail's master plan. Allison couldn't be angry at Carrie; she was kidnapped, beat up, knocked unconscious and held captive against her will. All of that was the truth. So why did Carrie need to lie about some hillbillies kidnapping her and dropping her in Deerfield of all places. What was she hiding Allison thought? She felt sorry for Carrie something bad did happen to her; she had suffered an ordeal; she did need to rest and heal.

"Carrie, why didn't you tell me you were in trouble and needed help?" asked Allison.

"I didn't think it was that serious in the first place. I mean, I quit my job; I thought everything was done and over with," said Carrie.

"You do know the press is outside swarming like a hoard of bees. Jewess Kidnapped by White Trash Hillbillies is what the headlines might as well say. It's going to sell a lot of papers!"

"I know, I know," said Carrie her voice weak and tired.

Allison sighed. "I'll do my best when I face the press downstairs; Detective Kirsh is down there right now trying his best to fend them off."

Carrie's eyes got wide. "Detective Kirsh, as in John Kirsh; local celebrity?"

"Yes, the private detective," answered Allison.

"You hired John Kirsh the well-known private detective!" Carrie said again this time her voice elevated.

"I just said yes; did they check you hearing."

"Why did you do that?" said Carrie becoming panicky.

"My sister was missing, he's the best private investigator around, he was the only option in my opinion," said Allison.

"Oh my god, he's going to find out the truth, he's known for that," said Carrie.

"How is he going to find out, after tonight this case will be closed. He's going to get paid; done and over," said Allison.

"Yeah, true, maybe. I've been found, the police will handle the Hillbilly issue which will lead nowhere; maybe you're right," said Carrie feeling more relaxed.

"Okay, I have to go, I will go downstairs, be vague, pay detective Kirsh and this will fade away in a few days; you'll see," said Allison her voice firm and assured.

"People do move on to the next sensational story pretty fast these days," said Carrie.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow; get plenty of rest, okay, love you."

"Love you too," Carrie smiled at her sister.

Allison smiled back but she was worried how she was going to play this. She decided to take the stairway down instead of the elevator just so she had more time to gather her thoughts. The best lies always have a partial truth; that's what the Steinberg's always taught their children. Allison in reality did not know what had gone down with this whole fiasco in Deerfield and the situation with Abigail, she did not know what the Pine Lake Police were going to find later on; if anything at all. She was the victim's sister and she needed to act that part because that was true.

When Allison got to the lobby of the hospital she could see Private Investigator John Kirsh from the back; he was tall with broad shoulders, he cut an impressive figure. Flash bulb, after flash bulb went off when the press saw Allison Steinberg; sister of the victim. The lights were almost unbearable. Allison spoke to the press on behalf of her sister; it sounded wonderful, eloquent; but John wasn't buying it. When all was said and done John sat in his car in the parking lot at the hospital with Allison's check burning a hole in his jacket pocket. John knew there was something missing from this whole situation and he was going to find the truth.

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