Chapter 11: Secret Admirer

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Chapter 11

Secret Admirer

Margaret lay in a hospital bed in the emergency room; she felt so silly being there. As a nurse she knew it was shock and that she would recover. Elizabeth and Josefina sat in the small room with her; Josefina always the worry wort looked so afraid.

"Josefina, it's okay, I went in to shock; they're going to let me go home soon, you'll see," Margaret smiled.

"Okay ladies," said a handsome young dark haired doctor entering the room, "Margaret, you went in to shock and you are now clear to go home."

"Told you guys!" reveled Margaret.

The doctor smiled, looking surprised.

"She's a nurse," said Elizabeth, her voice bored and flat.

"Well nurse Margaret you are in the clear and your friends can take you home," said the doctor.

"Oh thank you, thank you so much doctor..." gushed Josefina.

"Evans, Doctor Evans; and you're welcome. Make sure your friend takes it easy for a few days, she'll be fine; no need to worry, she is in excellent health," he continued.

Josefina and Elizabeth waited as Margaret signed her discharge papers; they were glad to leave everything behind. The yoga studio, the retreats, being Abigail's errand girls; it was all over. They hugged each other in relief. Doctor Evans continued to watch the trio. He stared at Margaret through the automatic double glass doors. He thought Margaret was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen since his late wife Sara. He looked down at the patient paperwork he still held in his hand.

"Margaret, Margaret D'Angelo; what a wonderful name," he muttered to himself.

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