Finding out

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After dinner Branch and I went onto the balcony to have a breather. I was relaxing how quiet the village was. His village was. I looked over to the moon to see it was a blue. I had never seen one before. This is something worth finding out even though I knew a bit about it already. It happened in this part of the Trolls World (soz i dont know what it is called but let's get on with this.)

This was the kind of rest I needed

"Hey Bran-"

I turned around to realise he wasnt there. Something wasnt right and with that I ran down the stairs to see Branch holding his chest.The transformation had begun.

Sorry that this chapter is short and i too so long. I'm planning of writing my own whole new story for the watty awards. Pls read it. Thankyou

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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