Rock unleashed.

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Branch's POV

Iwas barely able to sleep last night as Poppy cries never seemed to stop. Eventually, after a while, i decided to sleep by her so i did not need to stand up.

I walked over to my bedroom where Poppy was in. I looked at her face with a slight smile tugging at my lips. She looked so adorable when she sleeps.

At that moment her eyes fluttered open staring at me with a calculated gaze before saying


"And good morning to you too" I replied while chuckling.

"What time is it?" she asked as she looked around groggily her eyes begging to be let down as she was really sleepy.

"Its 4AM" I said and she suddenly started to panic.

"Oh no no no no no! I'm late for my queen duties oh wait im living in your kingdom so i dont have to do anything. Thank God." She said all of this really quickly.

I just stood there looking at her with a smirk on my face.

"What why are you smirking" she asked while blushing from the current incident.

"Nothing I just found that amusing."i replied.

"Wow how nice espicially coming from you." She answered sarcastically.

"Look who's being sarcastic now." I said also being sarcastic.

"Oh wow i guess your sarcasm is really rubbing off on me."

"Oh well get dressed and come  downstairs when you're ready." I shouted while walking down the stairs.

Sorry if this has been really short guys. I have a lot of things to do on my mind and I and my friends just had a huge argument. Leading to threathning but it has all been resolved now. Thank the Lord.

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