𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 1 - 𝙘𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙨

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You stare at your wall in shock after receiving a special call. 
"I-I-I GOT THE ROLE!" you exclaimed as you walk around your room in joy.
You quickly leave your room and you run out to the living room.
Your mom quickly turns away from the TV with a slight face of confusion.
"Yeah hon?" your mom replies wondering why you're so happy.
"I GOT THE CALL BACK AND THEY APPROVED ME TO PLAY THE ROLE OF TOPH!" you say as if your mom was acting oblivious. Your mom ends up showing a smile an "I'm so proud of you" type of smile. She pulls you in for a hug as you hug her back happily. 

The casting for season two of Avatar: The Last Airbender lasted weeks! You couldn't wait to reach the set to play your favorite character. 

The casting was finally done after months of finding the perfect actors to play those amazing characters. You were then later called to attend the set where everyone will meet up and get introduced. Before then you were told that there would be some sort of boot camp for training purposes for scenes and all of that stuff. 

You and your mom get ready to head to the set and meet all of your co-stars. You head to the car before your mom all of your excitement popped in. At the same time you were kinda nervous. Meeting new people, being apart of a well known cast, a huge fanbase, and more. You knew you couldn't let all the fans down. 

You and your mom reach the set. As you head in you and your mom were ment to meet up with the directors and basically all the other people on the set, including your manager.

As you and your mom are getting told the directions to meet up where everyone else was you turned around in amazement of where you were. As you were turning around you see a familiar face but you quickly turn back around to head to the room with your mom.

As you push through the doors your mom tells Albert Kim the director something and leaves. 

Albert comes up to you and tells you "Your mom is leaving for work she'll pick you up when it's for us to leave." giving a slight smile to  welcome you to the cast.
As you heard that you nodded and walked over to the nearest chair.

The familiar face pops into the room. He seemed to be apart of the cast but you couldn't make out who it was. 'Dude he literally looks so familiar but I cannot remember his name.. maybe he's Zuko or whatever..'  you say to yourself in your mind. You watch him plop onto his seat wearing a white top with grey sweats. 

Your director, Albert stands in front of everyone as they settle in onto the conversation that was about to start. "Hello everyone I'm glad we meet here again to film the season two of Avatar!" as he says that everyone cheers and claps. "So, there are new cast mates for season two so I hope you all get along and become great friends. After some looking we finally found our Toph which took foreverrr!" he says in a sarcastic way. Albert goes on to talking about the plan for season two and how the scenes will come and go. He goes on to talk about the boot camp and what you'll be learning.

The meeting finally ended. You and all of your other cast mates went into the training room to start boot camp. You set your bag on the bench that was in the training room. Your trainer calls everyone to the center of the room to start the mini training session. Everyone introduces each other and as soon as the person with the familiar  face introduces himself you finally realize 'he's the one who plays the avatar, Aang!'  The trainer begins the class and everyone starts training. 

The session is finished. As you let out a sigh you think to yourself 'DUDEEEEE! We have six weeks of this? This is insane. It's only the first day and I already hate it. EVEN IF IM EXCITED. I just can't wait for filming to finally start.'

୨⎯ [time skip to 1-2 months after training and being in the middle of filming season 2] ⎯୧

As you're in your trailer getting ready to film the scene of when they try and find Appa. As you're getting ready Kiawentiio pops into your trailer and sits on the nearest seat. She starts yapping about the scene and how she's so tired. She occasionally gives you a yap session before they start filming a scene as you get ready. 

[Your POV]

"To be honest I'm so hungry" Kia says complaining. She literally complains allllllllll the time about being hungry.
"Same but we literally just started preparing for the scene and its like 9-10 am" 'sigh' I mutter to myself complaining "It's not even lunch yet..." 
"I'm way too hungry I need to eat." Kia quickly leaves my trailer to grab some snacks for me and herself. Kia finally comes back and she has an armful of snacks. Including my fav!!! Kia gives me snacks as she plops herself back onto her chair as she eats the snacks one by one. My hair stylist says "Alrighty kiddo I'm done with your hair. DON'T ruin it before you get on set it's really hard to keep that hair up." I just nod as I finally stuff the snacks in my face. 'OH MY DAYS THIS IS LITERALLY SO GOOD.'  

Me and Kia finally finish eating our snacks. We hear the others get called to go to the set so we just follow them instead of just waiting for them to call us to the set for the Appa scene. Me and Kia just follow the others as we start yapping about what we should do after filming.

"We should all hang out to like the mall or something or we can like eat out ya'know???" I suggest. Everyone agreed with my suggestion and decided to eat out at a random place. 

[Out of your POV]

Everyone gathers to film the scene. Every so often there would be "Cut!" and people not remembering their lines. Hours passed as we were filming. Then filming was finally finished. Everyone goes into their trailers and gets unready.




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