𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 4 - 𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩 𝙛𝙪𝙣

42 2 9

You guys finally enter the airport in a big bunch. You're walking in with Gordon by your side. As you guys walk in together you and Gordon chuckle together sharing videos together on your guys' phone while everyone else was minding their own business. Ever since you guys met you guys quickly got closer and closer since you guys are closer in age and got each others humor.

[Your POV]

We all headed to the front counter to weigh all of our belongings and to check in. Our managers checked us into the flight making sure we all had our passports and our tickets. As they finished checking us in we immediately headed to our gate. "Gate 10.." I whisper under my breath to remember it just incase any of us forgot or passed by the gate. We were a few steps away from the gate. As we were walking we were bombarded with a small group fans asking us for photos. 

SOMEONE was enjoying the fans (GIRLS) ahem ahem (Gordon..) anyway after letting them have photos with us and mainly Gordon we all brought our stuff to the conveyer to get pass the luggage x-ray. 

Everyone was almost done getting through security but there was Ian left. As he was doing x-ray the alarm quickly sounded off in Ian's direction. We all turn to Ian's direction hoping he hadn't packed anything that would harm anyone. We saw security pull out a water bottle from his bag. We all started chuckling as we saw Ian's face get covered with embarrassment. Ian finally got through security so we walked to our gate.

We walked to some empty seats in our gate and finally settled in. I sat down beside Gordon laughing at some texts my friends had sent me. 

"What are you laughing at?" he asked me a bit curious.

"Oh nothing just some texts" I saw in between some laughs as he starts to get more curious at what I was laughing at. Now that I think of it why was he so curious anyway? 

"What texts? from your secret boyfriend or something?" He was obviously teasing me but I got too defensive.

"NUH UH I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT." I reply back loudly. I think I was a bit too loud I got a couple of stares but who cares.

We quiet down. As the hours pass the more bored we got. Even if we had our phones we kinda got bored of them. 

"Guys wanna look around the airport?" Kia asks us as she got up eager to explore for a while. We all got up happily saying yes to explore around. We all walked around the airport visiting some stores and buying some snacks. Ian, Dally, Kia, and Lizzy were all bunched close while me and Gords were closer together. We were behind the others. 

"Wanna go get some more snacks?" Gord asks me as he points his head over to a small shop with really good snacks. 

"Sure!" I reply back as we head over to the store.

 We walk over to the candy isle so we can be more energized because duh why would we just skip candy? We chose our favorite candy and walked over to the counter to pay for our things. I was looking for my wallet but felt nothing. 

I looked over to Gordon "Did you bring your wallet? I left mine with the others I think." I felt a bit guilty asking Gord to pay for their stuff. 

"No, no it's alright I can pay." he says feeling happy to pay for our things. I felt really bad that I had forgotten my wallet. I thank Gordon for paying for our things. As we were walking out I felt vibrations coming from my phone. I pull out my phone to see what the notifications are for. I looked at my notifications and saw 30 texts from our group chat and manager.  As Gordon pulled out his phone he saw he had many text notifications. 

Avatar the last Rizzbenders

Jojo siwa (dally)> WHERE ARE YOU GUYS??? @No homies (Gord) @Dora (you)



missed call from Ian

missed call from Kiawentiio

missed call from Dallas

missed call from manager

missed call from manager


I leave the group chat on read as I go check my chats with my manager hoping he didn't react the same way. 

big back manager

manager> WHERE ARE YOU?



missed call

missed call

missed call

missed call

I turn to Gordon looking a bit worried.

"I think we should hurry back to the gate." I say looking at my texts from the group chat. Gordon turns his head to look at me "Yeah I really think we should hurry." 

We run as fast as we could back to the gate. We finally reached our gate. We saw Kia, Ian, Dally, Lizzy and everyone else who was there with us. My manager  looks at me with slight disappointment. My manager motioned for me and Gord to quickly hurry to our spots. 

"Sorryyy" I say with a slight smile trying to lighten the mood. Everyone looks at us with a visible face of disappointment. I sigh as I sit down on my seat. I turn my head to Gordon as he turns his head to mine. We suddenly burst out laughing because of what we did and how the others reacted. I enjoyed that little moment. Laughing with one of my close friends is a really fun and memorable experience. 

Our gate was finally called in for boarding. We grabbed all our belongings and took it. We entered the plane looking for our seats. Surprisingly my seat was right beside Gords. We put our bags in the overtop container and sat down in our seats. We buckled up as everyone was passing by sitting in their seats and just preparing for the flight. 


FINISHED THIS AT SCHOOL HELP buttttttttttttttttt ive got so much tests to do since its exam week so i might not update tonight or later.

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