Chapter One

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(this was inspired by engel_lmao's "insanity engel" aswell as Ermiforgorsorry's "insanity claire" so credit to them for giving me the idea, but i might just make this a one off thing unless it does well, also if there is no thumbnail rn, i am making it so be patient :D)


It was a regular day at paper school, Edward was walking through the bloody halls, there were smashed lockers and walls, along with claws scraped along the floor, not to mention the blood everywhere....perhaps a few people failed miss circle's test yesterday...?

"God...this is brutal....I just hope Zip and Oliver are alright..." 

Edward mumbled to himself while taking in the gruesome views of organs scattered along the halls. There wasn't many people around...possibly at class, or just downright scared to come out of hiding, ofcourse, Edward knew he was alright, as he was friends with Alice, the teachers wouldn't dare touch the bully trio out of fear of Alice's wrath.

He continued down the hallways, stopping every brief moment to try and recollect himself after almost throwing up at the horrible wasnt long until.....


"Who's there?!"

Edward frantically turned around, hoping to find the source of the noise...yet, the darkness completely devoured any signs of life or movement....until...



Edward screamed, only then to realize the moron behind it was Oliver..

"Hahahah! You scream like a girl!"

Edward stared in disbelief

"Seriously?! You scared the living heck outta me!"

"Whatever dude..don't take it personally"

"Whatever....anyways...have you seen zip? I can't seem to find her at all, and she's not answering my texts..."

Edward said curiously, he wanted to know where his cru- I mean, best friend was. Oliver responded shortly after

"nah bro, have you ever considered that she could be ghosting you? Your literally so obsessed with her even chip can see it miles away!"

"Oh shut up you soap eating moron, your not any better with alice.."

He rolled his eyes, bluds got some sass in him today

"Don't you dare speak out my honey bunny pookie wookie little cutie peach pie like that!"

Is this guy serious? There is no way he just called Alice that, but whatever

"I don't care about your failing love life, I just need to find zip to make sure she's ok..!"

Oliver rolled his eyes as he munched on his soap bar

"Whatever bro...maybe-"

Oliver was abruptly cut off by zip...hold on...she had lost an arm, she had blood all over her clothes and she looked like she was about to die, what the hell? Edward quickly ran over to her


Zip manages to mutter a few words..ofcourse, not many...

"G-guys...they're after us..."

At this point, Oliver had somehow stopped chewing down on the bar of soap and stares in disbelief

"W-what about my honey bunny pookie bear??"

Zip shortly managed to reply, being held up by Edward briefly

"T-the other students....they already teamed up and killed her...and were nex-"

Zip gets abruptly cut off with an axe going straight through her head....piercing her skull completely..


This was a one off thing, I might continue it if y'all want to lol, it doesn't make sense RN but it gets better if I bother finishing it 🤣

ill continue if i reach maybe 10-15 reads?

Edward's Revenge...(FPE AU/ Zipward)Where stories live. Discover now