Chapter 14: 'Nevermind..'

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okie umm

idk what to put here anymore lolol

but erm thank you guys so much for 2.9k reads, like, thats ALOTT OF PEOPLE- ^^

anyways lets start :3


Zips pov;~

I continued walking through the hallways in search of Edward...I don't know why, but I've started to have some kind of desire to be near him....okay maybe I'm a weirdo...I's not like I have feelings for him..?

Well, if I don't have feelings for him, then why does my face heat up every time he's ten meters away??

Erm...perhaps the area is just warm? Wait that sounds dumb....uhmm...

Well...that's besides the point, id NEVER fall for a hedgehog wannabe! He's just stupid and...handsome- okay Zip, please get a grip...

Wait...I am seriously NOT having an argument with myself..what am I even denying at this point?? That I possibly have gotten a crush on my best friend?

Ugh this is frustrating! Why can't it just be simple!! I never asked to develop a crush on Edward! Plus I have much more important things to worry about than my love life...ermm...maybe my studies? Nah, I don't have to, wait, I kinda do since Alice is dead-

Well, why don't I just try and confess? Wait, what am I even saying! Its probably just a phase..I'll get over it! ...eventually....

Buttt what if I never see him again after this??'s now or never...right?

Uhh...actually that's a bad idea..I don't wanna f&ck up our friendship....UGH

I banged on the locker next to me out of pure frustration

What is wrong with me!?


Maybe I should just try and confess..?


I ran through the crowded halls, despite the 'No running' signs plastered all over the place, I just ignored them

This felt way too important to just pass up

Soon enough, I spotted Edward talking to Oliver while walking down the hallway. so I called out to him


I shouted as I ran closer, he paused and looked back to me, confused to why I was running

"Oh hey Zip!"

Edward said as he directed his attention towards me, I immediately paused and started to blush-, wtf?? Seriously, I need to get a grip on myself, he just said hi and now im blushing?!! What is wrong with me??

"Hi! So uhm..what do you guys wanna do?"

I said..I felt a bit too nervous to confess since Oliver was now also watching me.

"Well, me and Edward were just you can decide, I don't mind"

Oliver said with the usual pride he has.

"Neither do I. You can decide Zip."

Edward said, backing up Oliver in allowing me to decide what havoc we will participate in next

"Well how about we-"


I was abruptly cut off by the insane oliver-simping peanut jar...aka Riley..

Edward's Revenge...(FPE AU/ Zipward)Where stories live. Discover now