Chapter 8: Fraud

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Edward: WHAT??

DS: I'm feeling a bit devious today, let's bring back your dead girlfriend for the sacrifice of two other people


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Claire's pov:

No..No this cant be innocent


Miss Grace raised an eyebrow at my sudden yelling

"Miss Claire, I am aware that you have had trouble with that girl...but...this is beyond know what we do with murderous students, claire..."

My eyes widened as I realised what was about to happen


I glanced around the room and spotted my best friends

"Engel..Bubble! Please, tell her! Im innocent"

Engel looked over at me before replying

"Im sorry Claire...I want to believe you...but the evidence is stacked against you..."

"Yeah claire, we wish we believed you...but theres so much proof you did it!...Were sorry.."

Bubble added on...I was about to argue back until I heard Miss Circle's stern voice behind me

" sure you know what happens now......mhm?"

She said with a sadistic large grin as she raised her compass arm towards my head


Nobody's Pov:

Edward quickly rushed towards the nurse's office, he was met with Zip's unconscious body lying in a coma

She...she was breathing, but her heart rate was lower than it should be...but..shes still alive...

"S-she's alive..."

He walked over to her bed and sat down next to her, holding her hand gently..and he smiled, like a genuine smile, not the evil kind, but an actual happy smile- woohoo!

"I knew you could do it zip...i knew it......."

The bell then rang, signalling that it was time for next class

He walked through the crowded halls again, it was math class once again, but something about Miss Circle made him feel uneasy...I wonder why?

He arrived in math class, he looked around and didnt see Claire, hah, she probably got in trouble for that...!

Edward's Revenge...(FPE AU/ Zipward)Where stories live. Discover now