Chapter 3: Anger

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Omg omg wait I didn't expect to make it this far

like i woke up and seen 68 reads wth anyways

⚠️⚠️Like I said previously, this may contain cringe so here's your warning ⚠️ ⚠️


Edward walked through the now crowded hallways, he was seething with rage, he felt horrible, he didn't enjoy this was like his other half was gone..he so desperately wanted her back...he needed her back.

But...for the time being he can't exactly bring her back, sure, he's a scientist, but bringing people back from the dead may be impossible...whatever, more on that later, all he wanted now was to act on behalf of his promise towards zip, to kill those that ever wronged her.

Obviously, if he wanted to be sly about it, he couldnt just go for engel, bubble and claire, since edward always bullied them and fingers would definitely be pointed towards him, the teachers would be difficult, so why not try with the two brats that always skip school? shouldnt be too hard right?

But how, is the plan going to work, well obviously anything fashion can immediately get the popular girls hooked, but thats still way to vague! He'd just think on the spot, he's watched way too many serial killer documentaries to not know what he's doing.

The halls seemed more brightly lit, everyone was either talking in the halls or heading to class, looks like lizzy was all alone, perfect, he walked up to her casually

"Hey Liz! How ya doing?"

"Im fine, what about you?"

" great....anyways! I was hosting a fashion show in like a few hours at my house, wanna join?"

"Sureee! i dont see why not!"

Edward grinned maniacally

"Perfect.....I mean- nice! anyways, please dont tell anyone about it because i would like it to be a surprise, please?"

Lizzy raised an eyebrow


"Nice, the fashion show is at 4:00pm at my house so be there and dont bring anyone or tell anyone, ok?"


Edward then walked away, leaving a confused lizzy behind

"Tf was that about?"


~Time skip to 3pm when edward gets home~

"Finally, ive been waiting for so damn long, ugh! wait, how am i even gonna kill lizzy-...I PLANNED A MURDER AND I DONT EVEN HAVE A WEAPON?!"

"Im such an idiot..."

Edward got up and walked down the gloomy steps of the basement, before flicking the light on to cancel out the dark void within. He searched around until he spotted some kind of war hammer? It was the exact warhammer that he and Zip used to play with as kids, for some reason- WHO TRUSTED KIDS WITH A DAMN WARHAMMER??

It appeared to be made out of forged metal and stone, ofcourse, Zip had already vandalised it with the classic 2 + 2 = 8, but honestly that just added to its value as he would take anything left behind from zip right now

He picked it up and it was surprisingly not as heavy as he expected, but it definitely could do a few killing jobs if he tried

He was inspecting the weapon to see if it had any more damages or words written on in crayon until

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