Chapter 5: Depression

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Yall what- there is no way-




Claire's pov:


Its gotta be another student's killing, i mean, theres no way petunia failed, and plus, the teachers would have just left her body out in the open, this has GOT to be another student's killing...

but who?

Im not sure right now, I just want to make sure Engel and Bubble are safe...this is gonna be a LOOOONG day....


Nobody's pov:

Edward walked through the halls and snuck down to the locker areas while everyone was evactuating

Is this a setback? No, this is perfect. Instead of killing her, he knew exactly who to frame.

He walked over to Claire's locker and attempted to open the door. It was locked


Edward mumbled, he didnt want to speak loudly as it would attract way too much attention. he looked in his bag, and found a hairclip, it was zip's, he had taken that aswell back at the nurse's office

He slowly inserted the clip into the lock and twisted it around until


The locker opened up, finally, it was taking a while. Anyways, the inside of the locker was concerning but he wouldnt have put it past claire

Claire's locker included many things like books, boxes and concerningly some photos of engel with hearts on them? Ok..whatever, lets try and ignore that-

He took off his backpack and placed the tin of organs in her locker, gotta say, it stank, although the stench was off-putting, it tasted heavenly if you were willing to try it

He then glanced around in her locker and spotted her bow, perfect, she always wore her bow, but for some reason not today, and that, was gonna be useful to Edward. He grabbed the bow and shut the locker carefully, trying not to make any sudden noises


Edward walked towards the janitor's closet, there was blood on the handle and around the door frame, gotta admit, he was a bit careless while he was murdering petunia, but still.

He carefully opened the door and walked inside, before smudging blood on the bow and placing it in an obvious yet believable place, before walking off outside for the evacuation


Everyone has evacuated the school, Miss Grace is taking the attendance. Once she is finally done she looks at all the students with a stern yet concerned look

"Ok, im too tired for this sh#t, who murdered that girl?"

The entire line was silent, before Edward spoke up

"Perhaps you could check the scene? maybe some hints will lead us to the murderer?"

Miss Grace raised an eyebrow at his remark, perhaps thinking about it, until

"I dont see why not? I will get the teachers to get to it, all of you, go home, now."

Everyone rushed off towards their houses, leaving the teachers behind to investigate this mess.


Miss Grace's pov:

Something about that boy is...unsettling...but i dont know what it is about him, im sure he was depressed at first when zip passed, but now, its like he's gone insane.

He's got that creepy smile on his face all the time now, and im not certain on what happened to those two girls, but ive got my suspicions...


"Hellooo?? Earth to Miss Grace!"

Miss Emily said while waving her hand infront of my face

"Huh- oh...right..."

"Come on Grace! We have a murder and a missing persons case to solve, and your just sitting here daydreaming about god knows what!"

I rolled my eyes

"Fine fine whatever"

Miss Emily raised an eyebrow

"How enthusiastic, and I already sent out Sasha and Demi to go check the scene, i didn't trust Circle, Thavel and Bloomie, they'd have probably eaten the corpse anyways-"

Suddenly Miss Sasha and Mister Demi come running out of the building


Sasha said, as she waved Claire's bow covered in blood, in the air



Sasha and Demi were sent back into the building to investigate the gruesome scene, as they walked towards the janitor's closet, they had an overwhelming sense of being watched, probably just nothing, right?

as they finally reached the door, Demi was way to scared to open it, so Sasha opened it instead. Their eyes were met with the gruesome scene before them, it appears that Petunia's organs had been removed one by one, to god knows where, her ribs were smashed and bone was scattered along the floors, it was a sight to see.

"This isnt gonna be very fun"

Sasha said to a mortified Demi, oh boy...

"Hey..look, its alright, she....she's in heaven now"

Sasha said to try and make Demi feel atleast a bit better about the situation, he took a deep breath and replied

"y-yeah...i-its just..s-so cruel! i-i cant imagine w-who would even do something l-like this!"

"Look, we came here to find the murderer, we will find whoever could have done this"

Demi looked over at Sasha anxiously.

"Y-yeah, lets take a look"

They both entered the closet and looked around, after about five minutes, sasha spotted something........oh no...

"Hey, whats that over there?"

She pointed over at Claire's bow, which was covered in blood, before approaching it and picking it up...


Demi looked over as Sasha picked up the item

"Isnt she the good girl who always gets bullied by pretty much everyone?"

Sasha looked back over at Demi

"We gotta tell Grace and Emily about this, I think we just caught our culprit..."

" .. -- / .. -. -. --- -.-. . -. - --..-- / .. / ... .-- . .- .-. -.-.-- / -....- -.-. .-.. .- .. .-. . "




Anyways, i might just post the next chapter when im ready instead of a reading goal, because i literally posted three chapters today HELPPP-

But I will be continuing "ask fpe" so u can ask questions to the fpe cast if you want to :3

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