Chapter 10 : Recap....Please?

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Also Major shoutout to my friend


For helping me with some of the drawings here, without his help this chapter would have come out way later, so he will start helping me in these chapters :D

Anways, lets see who you think the antagonist of the story REALLY is?

(hint: its a canon character, not one of my ocs)


Nobody's pov:

After about 30 minutes, Edward finally managed to recollect himself after taking an almost fatal blow to the eye, he carefully and slowly took it out, before rushing to find some bandages to cover the wound. He spotted some on the table and quickly wrapped it around his face, it really hurt, like alot, but the more important thing was that Mister Demi got away


Edward quickly grabbed his warhammer and rushed up the stairs..only to find

Mister Demi dead corpse was already lying down by the front door......

Mister Demi dead corpse was already lying down by the front door

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A brief silence filled the room, before Edward slowly started to approach the body, carefully inspecting the area...

He inspected the corpse, there was a massive gash in his head with some chipped pencil lead inside, his glasses were smashed on the floor, his head was pretty much split open and blood was leaking everywhere....and in his back had that exact same axe that was used on zip slammed into it

Silence filled the room...why was this guy protecting Edward from getting caught...?

The awkward quietness was interrupted by a phone call from the school nurse


Zip's POV:

I woke up to a loud beeping noise next to me, i had some kind of killer headache...and really hurt...i tried rubbing it with my left hand..only to realize it was amputated...oh right, about that...

I checked over my arm and seen the carefully stitched seams going up to my collar bone..i hardly remembered anything, I put my right hand on my forehead and felt that it had been stained with blood, along with even more stitches. My vision was quite limited considering the bandages over my face and head, but i could still see out of my right eye. I looked around and realized that i was alone in the nurses office, Im guessing I'd be alone for a while then...

Edward's Revenge...(FPE AU/ Zipward)Where stories live. Discover now