Chapter 13: ''Et Tu, Abbie?''

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I have no idea what to say here

but uh

Here are some hearts because you amazing people decided to click on this story and read through it till here :> 🫀🫀🫀🫀🫀

anyways ima quite yapping lets just start :,)


Zips pov: ~

I was walking through the hallways, occasionally throwing a random paper aeroplane at random students who just wanted some piece of mind. This whole situation is just f#cked up...Someone has attempted to assasinate me, Edward is going off to god knows where so frequently now, and students are all dying..not to mention the amount of problems Oliver has been having, that girl who's literally the size of a peanut butter jar who tried to stab Robby has literally been flirting with him none, does that b*tch have ANY idea what personal space is? Let the dude grieve in peace

Although he doesnt seem to be as sad as i suspected...maybe he's just masking his true feelings, i guess he's a bully n' all, so it would be pretty bad for his reputation if someone just caught him crying in the corner of a'd be funny to see though.

I guess i'd just have to find some way to pass the time, since Edward left and Oliver went to go to the toilet...but what CANNN I do?

Erm...I can read a book? No thats just too boring.....what about bully a student? Eh, all the fun students to bully are either in class or just straight up dead...

eh whatever

I guess I'll just go look around for Edward...since...ive been feeling...idk...happier..around him?


Nobody's pov~:

Edward was staring through the glass of the history classroom door, he noticed this person who was seemingly trying to manipulate Abbie into joining them. He had a million questions.

Who the f/ck is that guy?

Why is he shaking Abbie's hand?

Why does he have an axe sticking out of his bag?

What is he even doing here?

Is that the guy who set up Engel to kill him?

The questions were racing through his mind now as he overheard their conversation, he quickly decided to run off before anyone spots him spying on them, not wanting to know what would happen if some random guy was watching him spy on the two.

As he was running through the halls, he occasionally looked back, making sure nobody was running after him.

He scouted through the isolated halls but then he seen a crowd of oncoming people.

"Oh shi-"

He looked around frantically, looking for somewhere to hide, then he spotted the mens restroom and booted in there, before closing the door.

He glanced around and noticed that Skell was there washing his hands in a sink, just above it was a sign that said;

"Miss Circle says; The hot water in this restroom can give 6th degree burns if not careful (totally not intentionally made to do that) so (dont) be careful!"

He hadnt noticed Edward's presence since he was probably listening to some emo music or whatever.

Edward felt a bit bored, he didnt feel like killing...but torturing, he shortly remembered that he put his backpack in his he didnt have his warhammer with him....he'd just have to make-do with the surroundings.

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