Chapter 1 1/2 (little mini chapter)

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Woah! we got past the goalll woohooo XD

And plus the original creator of claire's insanity au motivated me to make this :D



Edward yelled, immediately rushing over to aid the love of his life, as he seen the axe slammed in her head, he felt tears forming in his eyes at the gruesome sight

"No no no no you cant leave"

He said, his voice shaking with fear and sadness, he gripped her shoulders and shook them roughly, she was breathing, still breathing...luckily...she managed to muster up a few words

"Eddie.....b-before i die....ive always wanted to say this..."

"ZIP! dont say that! you arent gonna die, i-im gonna get you some help okay? j-just stay awake please!"

Edward looked around frantically, hoping to search for help, yet nobody was in sight

"we're gonna have to go to the nurses office, zip, stay put, please!"

he picked up zip lightly and ran quickly, navigating the dark gloomy hallways with ease, he was scared for zip's life, he didnt want to lose someone else...but this, who could have done this..? it was clearly not one of the teachers work...who was after them? theres more than one atleast...but..they werent under the protection of alice mentioned they killed her...but who is strong enough to do that? it clearly couldnt have been only one person

alas, they finally reached the nurses office


Edward yelled in despair, he didnt want to lose her, he ignored the tears going down his face as he held his crush's lifeless body.....the nurse quickly glanced over and her kind look turned into one of terror


yelled the confused nurse as she quickly took zip out of edward's arms and placed her on a spare bed, quickly connecting a heart monitor to see if she is alive.....

" so sorry for your loss...."

Edward's Revenge...(FPE AU/ Zipward)Where stories live. Discover now