Chapter 7: Hope

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Y'all, I'm gonna die if I don't write this XD, but after this chapter is released I'll start translating the Morse code messages at the bottom of each chapter, 🤠👌
This chapter won't feature as much violence lmao, but actually something good finally happens :O

Also EDWARRDDDDD 🪳 *Teleports again*



Edward: w h y

DS: there's a war going on rn and your the problem, you influenced them

Edward: what abt the story??

DS: oh right-

Edward woke up after the events of yesterday, he was physically drained, sadly, he had to go back to school again.

He got up, and got changed out of his smelly clothes, luckily, since Claire was now distracting the teachers, he can continue the murders.

He walked down the familiar path once again. He felt that same overwhelming feeling of emptyness and depression wash over him again as he walked the route. It was like he was being stabbed in the heart multiple times each second he spent without hearing zips beautiful voice...

In the back of his mind, he kept thinking about zip, her lovely hair, he beautiful voice and personality. She was perfect..why must this have happened?

He heard a familiar voice say in the deepest farthest back of his mind. Was he going insane?'s just him imagining things, this is a normal way to grieve right? Hearing things...?

Edward finally entered the school building, it felt brighter and happier than usual but ok? All was well until a stern sounding miss grace boomed through the mic and loudspeaker

Claire's pov:

As I heard the principal's voice boom through the microphone, my heart immediately sank, why do I have a bad feeling about this..?

I walked towards the office and reached my hand out to the handle, slowly turning it open, I was met with a tin on the bow, which was covered in blood. The teachers all looked at me mortified, dunno why, but Mister Demi was shaking uncontrollably while Miss Sasha was trying to comfort him....

"Ahem, Claire..I'm presuming you know why your here?"

Miss grace said to me as she pushes the silver tin towards stank, to be honest, the same smell that was in Edwards backpack, but a bit more...rotten..

"N-no...why am I here...?"
I said nervously, I fiddled around with my fingers

Miss grace raised an eyebrow
"Well, miss Claire, I think you should try cleaning your locker up or the crime scene next time..."
She said as she handed me the tin
I opened the tin and I was immediately met with the sight of decomposing organs and bones
"W-what the?!"
I looked over at miss grace...when the sudden realization dawned on me
I had been framed for a crime I didn't commit..

Nobody's pov
Edward was sitting at the back of class like he usually did, he noticed miss Bloomie had longer hair than usual, must have grown it out...

Whatever, his science teachers hair do wasn't his main priority at the moment, he felt so tired...he just felt like........

He slumped his head down between his arms and fell asleep

He had a dream, a vivid one, he was trapped in a dark room, Lizzy, Kevin, petunia and Claire were trying to murder him...he immediately jerked up as the bell rang as usual

He got up and chucked his book and pens into his bag, before heading out...

As he was walking through the now dimpy lit hall, he heard a voice call out to him, it was the nurses

The nurse yelled, successfully capturing his attention

"Zip! She's! She's breathing!"

Okay this chapter was kinda short but I swear the next one will be longer, lmao, also sorry if u came for violence XD

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