Joehdahs Hemorrhoid

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(The only person responsible for these stories is morganwearsdieper on Roblox. There are no other accounts of that person. Anyone else is a liar who's so miserable with the fact that they cannot write well so they join and lie about writing this masterpiece.)

JoehDah had always prided himself on his impeccable appearance and meticulous hygiene. Every morning, he would stand in front of his full-length mirror, styling his hair and ensuring his clothes were perfectly pressed. He always bathed in pounds and pounds of perfume. He was the epitome of elegance in his small town, where everyone admired him.

One sunny afternoon, JoehDah decided to take a leisurely stroll through the local memorial park to remember IloSkelo, a girl who died in war after she diddled with some children. As he walked, he felt an uncomfortable sensation in a rather delicate area. Ignoring it at first, he continued his walk, greeting neighbors and smiling at passerby. But the discomfort grew, and soon, it was impossible to ignore such a feeling.

"Must be those eggs," he muttered to himself, trying to brush it off. Today he had eighteen servings of eggs, so he assumed his butthole would be screaming at him for mercy, as usual. But as the hours passed, the sensation turned into a sharp, throbbing pain. JoehDah realized he had a problem that could no longer be ignored by just walking through the park. He hurried home, his impeccable posture faltering with each step. Tiny toots fizzed out, the smell extremely pungent. Something was wrong, and he was fearing his wellness.

In the privacy of his bedroom, JoehDah inspected the source of his agony. To his horror, he discovered a swollen, painful hemorrhoid. He had always prided himself on his health and fitness, and this unexpected ailment felt like a personal affront to his dignity.

Determined to treat it discreetly, JoehDah headed to the local pharmacy, donning oversized sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat to avoid recognition. He awkwardly navigated the aisles, searching for a remedy. After an eternity, he found the section with hemorrhoid treatments. As he reached for a tube of cream, he heard a familiar voice.

"JoehDah? Is that you?" It was Morgan, the town gossip. She was there restocking her gargantuan jar of Desserts Skittles by buying the whole stock of them from CVS.

Caught off guard, JoehDah fumbled the tube, which slipped from his hands and bounced across the floor, landing directly in front of Morgan. Her eyes widened with surprise and amusement as she picked up the tube, reading the label out loud, "Hemorrhoid cream? I didn't know you had hemorrhoids."

JoehDah's face turned crimson red. He's always had a crush on Morgan, and now knowing how she's aware of him having something tragic in his booty truly embarrassed him.

"Uh, i-its for a friend," he stammered, but Morgan's knowing smirk said it all. JoehDah was so cooked for his future. Everyone is gonna hear word of how he has butthole issues. Morgan nodded and walked off, holding onto her carrier with a ridiculous amount of Dessert Skittles with two tanned hands.

As JoehDah predicted, the news spread like wildfire, and soon, everyone in town knew about JoehDah's embarrassing ailment. Anytime he went out, people coddled him and begged him if they could take a glance at his hemmerhoid, to which he kept on telling them no embarrassignly. Old ladies visited him with gift baskets filled to the brim with creams, medicine, and pills. Not only that, but a fundraising was open to save money for his bootyhole, even if the person behind it selfishly took the money for themselves.

Desperate to regain his dignity, JoehDah decided to address the situation head-on. At the next town meeting, with everyone attended: JoehDah, hijjhvh, Jaz, Earth, Mars (who was hand-in-hand with earth), Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Venus, Sun, Moon, Alice, Exol, Scott, Josh, Leah, Rayan, Morgan, Mregg, knifed, Glitter, Cypix, Kay, Enna, Star, Guilherme, John, Hollowenium, London, Jeff, David, Carlos, Leni, Scar, and so much more (that I don't remember the name of but will surely add). Everyone wore their most black-tie clothing they could find, adorning themselves in absolute luxury.

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