Welcome to Heaven part 1

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The episode begins with Charlie, Y/n and Vaggie in their room. Charlie is packing clothes into a suitcase while the two insect demons sits on the bed, looking troubled because Charlie is overpacking a lot of things to the point she has a closet-sized suitcase, a guitar case, two extra large suitcase luggage, and a small handbag.

Charlie: Ok, I have my warm weather clothes and my cold weather clothes. I have a light jacket, flak jacket and rain jacket- wait, does it rain in Heaven?

Vaggie: Charlie, you're only going to heaven for a few hours.

Y/n: Yeah, don't you think you're over packing a bit ?

Charlie: Guys, we are only going to heaven for a day. It's our last chance to convince heaven a soul can be redeemed.

Vaggie: Yeah, I wish I could come, sweetie, but I have that...thing.

Charlie: What thing?

Vaggie: The thing with the.. thing uhm.. fuck, gah, I'm such a bad liar.

Y/n: Charlie, I kind of wanted to remind you that I have a sister in Heaven that wants to kill me and I want to kill her. There is no room for negotiations with her.

The demon princess touches Y/n's forehead and grasps Vaggie's hand in her's.

Charlie: Vaggie, Y/n, you guys are my partners, I need you two there with me.

Vaggie: Fine.

Y/n: Alright.

Charlie: Yes!!

Charlie hugs and kisses both of their cheeks. The scene then changes to the main hotel room, as Angeldust stumbles into the lounge with exhaustion.

Angel Dust: Oh, fuck.

Nifty pokes her head out of a plant pot with a feather duster before coming down to see her.

Niffty: You look messy! What happened to you?

Angel Dust: It's who happened to me, and the answer is everyone! Twice. had me working 16 hours straight on a fucking whim. The absolute dickbag. UGH!

While Angel is explaining this, she pulls her hands back to straighten her backside with crackles of bone being popped.

She collapses on the couch to rest or sleep for the night. Y/n, Charlie and Vaggie come into the scene with Vaggie and Charlie holding two luggage suitcases.

All of a sudden, the wall explodes, freaking Angel out of the couch. Angel gets annoyed that it's the second or third time the same wall that was fixed was blown up again.

Angel Dust: Argh! What the fuck is with that wall?!

An demon appears from the red smoke in the now-destroyed hole on the wall, holding a bomb in her hands.

Cherri Bomb: What up, hoes! 

The spider demon hears the laughter and immediately gets up from the couch with excitement.

Angel Dust: Holy shit! Cherri Bomb?! Long time no see, baby!

Cherri Bomb: Angie, ya bitch! You been texting me depressin' shit all day! Figured we could tear shit up like old times. It's been fucking forever! 

Y/n's eyes narrowed seeing Cherri Bomb.

He wraps his tail around her waist and holds her up in the air. Cherri glares only to smile widely at him.

Cherri Bomb: He hey, your that cutie that beat me up a few months ago. How you been ?

Y/n: Fine! Until 30 seconds ago.

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