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Ienzo walked back to the table and took out two boxes "Are you aware that your friend Genesis had taken the letters you wrote to the two of them out of the bus he once lived in with the duo?"

Reina shook her head no. "No I wasn't aware of that. I let him and our two friends Zack and Cloud get what they wanted without my acknowledgement of what they would do or get. I had been too busy at that time talking with my adoptive younger sister Anya at the time making sure that she and her boyfriend knew just what was going to happen with the lot of us being in a band together."

"Very well then, Your honor do I have permission to allow Miss Rozzario to read off all of the letters in chronological order so the jury may understand just what is at stake here? There is vital information that has been said by both parties that should be noted and not just by hearsay from my client." Ienzo asked

The judge nodded her head "I will allow it to happen, since it has vital information to the case."

Ienzo gave Reina all of the papers that were all stacked up neatly one on top of one another. She hadn't realized how much she had really kept in contact with Sephiroth and Angeal till then. The realization that she should have just cut contact with them sooner came to her and it upset her. She cleared her throat before she spoke up. 

"I wish before I read these letters to state that when Angeal, Sephiroth, Genesis, Zack and Cloud all left out it was in the fourteenth of April when they chose to leave out to go to California."

"Very well, it has been noted." The judge said with a nod of her head

Reina picked up the first letter. "The first letter was from Angeal and Sephiroth-they had first touched base with me in June of that year. This is what it says. 'Hey Reina, We know we have left you alone with your cousins. Please keep them out of trouble for us. We know that you won't be able to call us or keep in touch with us day by day so we have made a P.O box where we can get your letters so we can keep up to date with you and the girls. If anything comes up please don't hesitate to write to us and we'll help you the best that we can. Your friends Angeal and Sephiroth' By that time I had written just about every day waiting for them to mail something to me. The first piece of paper that I wrote to them was this 'Angeal and Sephiroth-ya'll two be dumb as hell. I can't believe you two didn't think to ask your soon-to-be-wives if they were doing alright before you two chose to leave. BOTH OF THEM are pregnant and are going hysterical about the fact that you two have left them alone with you two's children without even telling them where you two were going. Which is shit poor planning on your part. By the way how are you and the other boys? Have you guys been eating and sleeping well? Ever since the girls started to really show and get their cravings I haven't slept well let alone eat well in months. I hate that you two chose to knock up your girls before you deuced out like you had. I'm only one person here guys. I NEED HELP, but I know you guys wouldn't come back for anything even if it was for your soon-to-be-wives that you swear up and down that you 'care' and 'love'. If you cared and loved them you would have taken them with you! But you never did, I knew you two weren't the smartest of people but that doesn't mean that I should have to deal with your equally dumb counter parts. Reina.' With this letter I also wrote a letter to my best friend Genesis which I guess they never gave him. I wanted to keep in touch with him too."

Reina then took a deep breath before she moved onto the next letter. "The next time I got a letter from the two boys it was in September of that year. By that time Leo and Viven were already born and I had already graduated from college with flying colors. I had just began working as a book writer at home." Reina said before she picked up the letter in her hand. "Reina, we're sorry we left you alone with Tira and Tara being pregnant, we had no idea they were. Guess we should have taken them with us. It would have probably been better so you wouldn't have to deal with the stress of dealing with them when it wasn't even on you that things like that happened. If you need us to send anything your way please let us know we will do what we can to help you out with them. How are they doing with their pregnancies? Is our children healthy? Angeal and Sephiroth."

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