part 1

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Lucy woke up to the sound of her alarm buzzing on her bedside table, she stood up and made her way to the kitchin making some pancakes for her and Tamara it was her 15th birthday today and she wanted to make it special. She went into Tamara's room and sat on the end of the bed before tapping her awake and singing her happy brithday. They both ate their pancakes and got ready.
"Tamara cmon we are going to be late"lucy shouts her voice echoed the apartment
"I'm coming I can't find my perfume."Tamara shouted back from her bedroom.
"Oh my Tamara just use mine."
"No it's okay I found it,im coming"Tamara then rushed out of her room and out the door with Lucy.
Lucy dropped Tamara off at her high school and looked down at the time 9:05 she was 5 mins late to roll call,she would normally let Tamara get the school bus but because it was her birthday she wanted to do something special. She walked into the station as everyone was walking out of roll call and grey saw her along with the rest of the gang.
" officer Chen my office now!" He said sternly, causing lucy to panic a little. She looked at Angela and Tim who both gave her a weak smile along with a look of concern.
She knocked on the door to his office after quickly getting changed worried if he would be mad or even make her work on desk duty today.
"Officer Chen, take a seat... why were you late you are never late, are you okay." Grey said with a concerned but also confused look on his face.
"Yes sir I am, I'm so sorry my alarm didn't go off and I-" Lucy looked down and started playing with her hands, she couldn't lie, never mind to any of her friends.
" I just didn't get much sleep last night." Lucy said with a small smile on her face.
" Well if you say so officer Chen, do not be late again." Grey said firmly not believing her lie. They didn't know about Tamara and she didn't want to tell them then they would know about him and her past and she just couldn't tell them that not yet.

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