part 5

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"Where the hell, do you think you are going Chen" Tim said stepping in-front of her not allowing her to go anywhere. "Get out of my fucking way Bradford I am not in the bloody mood-  I SAID MOVE" lucy said trying to get past him in any possible way. "Not before u explain what the hell is going on." Tim looked down at lucy who was now looking at the ground "look Chen I have never seen u like this and I'm worried about u, I care for u and I want to be here for u please tell me what's going on."
Tim spoke with pure concern before lucy nodded and followed him to Roll call. Lucy sat down not saying a word before a few seconds passed and she couldn't take the awkwardness anymore "I need to get Tamara and you're not going to stops me. She's the only thing I have left I can't lose her " Lucy said standing to her feet looking Grey dead in the eye. "Who's Jacob to you Chen." Grey simply replied looking at his officer who normally was so smiley and gentle who now has bl0od dripping of her knuckles and mascara proofing down her face. "He- he's nothing anyway it doesn't matter I- I need to find Tamara, he- will hurt her I need to get her now." Lucy implied before quickly adding "I will put on a body cam and u can watch but please whatever I say or do u cannot treat me differently okay promise me." Lucy said looking round the room
" NO NO NO Chen it's dangerous." Tim screamed rising to his feet "U ARE NOT GOING ALONE." Tim added now speaking softly looking at lucy. "I have to Tim he put me through hell and I need to see him and talk to him and I don't need ur help I will Be fine if I have Tamara without her I'm nothing." Lucy said her voice breaking as she has no more tears left to cry "Chen u just said he was nothing to you what are you lying about-" Grey butted in "I'm sorry but I just can't- I- I don't want to talk about it yet I will explain when I get Tamara and Nina please let me go I will be fine. And you can watch the body cam and everything please." Lucy said basically begging to Grey now. "Okay Chen. Let's get u ready."

*time jump to when Lucy's about to leave*

"Luce how do you know where he's going to be ." Angela said finally rapping her head around everything. "Because I just do okay but u guys have to promise me something else as-well no matter what I say u have to listen to me for not just my safety but for all of yours Jacob is a dangerous guy and he will not stop until your dead so whatever u do u listen to me and only me." Lucy said mainly looking at Tim who was still unsure about all of this "Okay Chen stay safe okay remember we will be able to what everything." Nyla gave Lucy a hug before looking her dead in the eye and saying "be careful. Ok" "I will don't worry." Lucy connect her body cam to the tv in a private room where Tim,Angela,Nyla,grey,Nolan,Jackson,Celina and Aaron sat. "I love u all,see you soon." Lucy walked out and go into her car and drove to her location talking to herself the whole time, knowing they could hear her but she didn't care she has to be in the right mindset for this.
"breathe lucy it's going to be okay"  "blink through it." "Don't let him bring memories back." "Do not show emotion." Lucy repeated them 4 things until she finally got out of the car  and walked to the place she got @bused at as a child and saw 8 men waiting for her 4 on each side of the stairs she recognised them and they all looked lucy up and down before winking at her. fuck this was gonna be hard could she do it all the memories and trama she has which she didn't want to come back she walked up stairs she walked in and followed him and saw Tamara there taped up and crying sat on a chair but not Nina until she turned around and saw...

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