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The judge looked at the lawyer curiously "Why is it so important that she answers that question for? What exactly are you looking for to get out of her?"

"I have a belief that all of the things she is suing my clients for is all dramatic lies just so she'd get more attention. I want to know just what made her snap to do such a thing to four innocent people who just want to live their lives peacefully with their children."

Reina let out a loud hysterical laugh holding her side, the lawyer stepped back hearing her laugh as she had before Reina stood up placing her hands on the podium. "YOU THINK THEY ARE INNOCENT PEOPLE?!  Two of those jerk ass wipes chose to neglect their children after they were born abused the woman who fucking took care of them so they didn't end up dying! while the other two completely ignored all of the abuse and cries for help that I gave while never sending anything to help out with their children! THOSE FOUR ARE FAR FROM INNOCENT! FOR THREE DAMN  YEARS I WAS WITHOUT MY ANTI-DEPRESSANT AND ANXIETY MEDICATION BECAUSE OF THOSE BITCHES!  Within two years we lost electricity and water not to mention the ability to be able to take care of trash. We even got a damn eviction notice BECAUSE THOSE BITCHES WOULDN'T LET ME DO A DAMN FUCKING THING WITH MY OWN DAMN FUCKING MONEY! Trying to get that through their thick fucking skulls has always been damn fucking hard! I don't think they realize what they've done not just to themselves but to others around them for what they've done!"

The lawyer was silent for a bit as Reina had gone off irate and hysterical, while she broke down crying. After Reina finished speaking she sat down in tears. At that time Viven and Leo both went up to Reina on the podium even though the lawyer tried to get them to go back but they were too quick for him to grab. They went up to Reina and hugged her tightly. 

"Don't cry mommy." Viven said sadly

"It's okay mommy." Leo said sadly

Reina pulled the two kids onto her lap before she hugged them. "I'm not your mother guys...how many times must I tell you two that."

"But you are our mommy, you love us. You don't hit and yell at us." Viven said sadly

"Mhm, you feed us and bathe us. You don't ignore us or call us mean names." Leo said sadly

The judge turned herself to look at Reina and the kids. "Children, are you saying that your parents neglect you?"

"Your honor they aren't going to know what that words means. You have to dumb that question down for them to understand." Reina said sadly

"Very well, Viven-Leo, are your parents meanies that hurt and don't feed you?"

The two kids nodded their heads "Yes."

"And is the woman you two sitting on like that too?"

"No! Never! Mommy is nice and loves us!" Viven said hugging Reina's left arm

"She would never be mean to us! She keeps us from the meanies before she went bye-bye! We miss mommy lots." Leo said hugging her right arm tightly

"I'm not your mother guys...please stop calling me that."

The judge shook her head as she looked at Reina "At this point you minus well be. I will not allow anymore questions to be asked of you Reina. You may get up and sit back in your seat."

"O...Okay. Thank you, your honor." She said before she got off of the podium and went to sit with the kids on her lap once more. 

Angeal was then placed on the stand and he frowned seeing that his son wouldn't let go of Reina's arm. His lawyer got his attention "So, how are you feeling Angeal? Especially with all of the things that have been placed out today?"

"Like shit, Reina has every right to do this. I don't blame my son for not wanting to be around me when I wasn't there for him. Tara has been rather aggressive towards Leo and it saddens me that all of the things that we've been given in letters and video's have been right and not over dramatized. Tara and I don't deserve Leo as our child. Reina has been a better mother for Leo than Tara has ever been for him. Sephiroth and I should have gone back to the house the moment that Reina told him and I that the girls were pregnant to help her out with the two of them and to keep the girls from stealing from Reina. I knew from the past that the two girls had been talking in a joking manner...at least at the time I thought it was a joking manner that they'd steal off with Reina's bank card and go on a shopping spree. Saying that if she had enough money to take care of all of the bills she did plus a car payment that she had enough for them to be able to pamper themselves. I didn't think they were serious about doing it. But I was completely wrong to think that and now this is the karma that I get for it."

The lawyer looked taken back. "What happened to all of the aggression and anger you had for Reina? You told me-"

"Just stop right there, I've already made my peace about this situation. The four of us are in the wrong, you saw the video that was done up for Sephiroth and I for Christmas for the kids first year. Tira and Tara abused the hell out of Reina and Sephiroth and I ignored her pleads for help. We should have been there, we should have gone back home. But we didn't. I know what we did was wrong and I'm willing to pay the consequences of my actions and there lack of for my children. I know I'm not fit to be a father and Leo sees that too. I won't be angry that he went to Reina or called her mother. She obviously has been the kids mother since their actual birth mothers have had and wants nothing to do with them."Angeal said placing a hand up

[COMPLETE] Loveless Hearts [Genesis Rhaspsodos love story] Modern AuWhere stories live. Discover now