The Phoenix Rebellion Leader: The Dragon of Liberation

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Ryuji Kaida

The Dragon of Liberation




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Being raised alongside his childhood friends, Ryuji Kaida used to be a pure kind hearted soul who focused on doing what was best for their survival because of living in poverty. Though he always took charge in most decisions, he was an intelligent boy, focusing on the best stratagem to ensure their safety. However, when his hometown was attacked by the creatures of Grimm, he lost his left eye, but also unlocked his own power, transforming into a dragon that easily wiped out the Grimm. 

The aftermath was by far the most devastating for him. When he transformed into a dragon, he lost control of himself due to his mixture of emotions between mostly of the negative sides. He ended up destroying most of his hometown and possibly even some of the remaining residents within his hometown. However, when the battle was over and he returned back to himself, he realized what he did, possibly even scarring his childhood friends in the process.

With the Union Atlas Forces coming in to clean everything up, and branding the young boy as a Villain, he ran away, abandoning his childhood friends in the process. It filled him with regret and sorrow, but also internal anger towards himself, and those of Union once he realized what had happened. When he found out the truth about what the higher ups of Union have done that lured the Grimm to his hometown, he couldn't take it. He ran far away as he could, running across most of the Continent of Union until he found sanctuary within a town known as Chūsei.

Eventually as he got older, he learnt how to utilize his power more efficiently, though he sometimes tends to lose control of himself when he becomes a dragon. Though most of it is because of his internal hatred and anger towards Union's higher authorities who were abusing their positions and power. He was seen as a Villain by Union, then he will portray himself as such to get the truth out through his own means.

This led him into forming the Phoenix Rebellion at the age of 16. To him, the Phoenix would represent them rising from the remains that were left behind by the powers of Union, and bring forth a new Era that doesn't include the corruption that befell within Union itself. The Phoenix Rebellion made Chūsei their main home base of operations, but disguising itself as part of Union to throw off any investigations thanks to Ryuji's understanding of how Union does things. Though in the process, as they began their escapades, the Phoenix Rebellion was beginning to become known as more of a Terrorist group to the eyes of the higher ups of Union, but to some, they were seen as inspirations and possible Heroes in the darkness.

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