The Phoenix Rebellion Archon: The Shadowtech Archon

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(This OC belongs to MfsDante)

Austen Forest

The Shadowtech Archon/Shikikan (Commander)




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Austen Forest was born as a Half-Dragon with a rather unique power. He was able to control and manipulate Shadows and Technology around him. He had major control over his Dragon physiology as he can hide his dragonic features, and even change his DNA to that of a human.

Everything was going fine for him, until the forces of Grimm had attacked his hometown and killed everyone, including his childhood friend and crush, Karen. This caused him to unleash his power against the Grimm, annihilating them in a matter of minutes. Before the Union Atlas Forces came into the village, he hid his Dragon physiology as he blended into the ruins of his town.

Once he was rescued and recovered, he joined Union to avenge his village. That was, until he found out that it was Union that sent the Grimm into his hometown. Teeming with rage, he took his submitted projects, destroyed any copies of said projects, and left in the dead of night. 

4 years after leaving Union, he formally established the Redgrave Corporation as a Weapons Research Company and a Private Military. His rule of business is to never make a deal with one of Union's lackeys/graduates/students/staff, or those with really positive ties to them.

He had multiple advancements in tech, and even in magic. His most successful projects are Project Resonant Elements, Project Naval Warriors, and Project Night Sky. One day, he heard about a brewing rebellion against Union. So he decided to supply them with weapons and equipment for anyone who couldn't fight.


Shadow Manipulation:
Austen Forest can control and manipulate Shadows to his whim. He can create anything from weapons to entire armies.

Technology Manipulation:
Austen Forest possesses complete control over all Technology and Devices, and can create or manipulate Technology, the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services, or in the accomplishments of objectives. He can create anything from guns to riggings, tanks, and even starships whenever he can.

Gun Magic:
Austen Forest is able to use a form of Magic that allows them to cast Magical Spells dealing with guns and similar forms of firearms (i.e., pistols, rifles, machine guns, sniper rifles). This can range from the guns themselves, the user or the ammunition utilized.

Curse Manipulation:
Austen Forest can create, shape, move, control, interact and change Curses, any expressed wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will befall or attach to one or more persons, a place, or an object. He might also be able to manifest Curses or the Cursed as Energy or a force to achieve various effects. He can effectively Curse anything they wish and might be able to exert power over things that have been Cursed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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