The Phoenix Rebellion Kaiju: The Destroyer

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(This OC belongs to Omnigoji)

Tetsuki Mamoru

The Destroyer




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Being raised alongside his childhood friends, Tetsuki Mamoru was the cheerful and simple-minded one of the group, and focused on bringing a smile to everyone's faces, and helping others. He was not the most intelligent, which is why he always admired Ryuji Kaida and trusted him with all his heart. Mamoru was the type of person to rarely hate anything, but if there was one thing that Mamoru really dislikes, it's change. Change scares him, which is why he tries so hard to keep the group in high spirits. It's so that the group wouldn't break up and leave him to be on his own. Though no matter how he disliked change, it always arrives all the same. And for Mamoru, that change happened when his hometown was attacked by the creatures of Grimm.

The attack was devastating, the Grimm were killing his fellow villagers left and right, and blood and screams continuously roared in his ears. Despite his fear, Mamoru tried his best to save as many people as he could, including his family and childhood friends. However, he couldn't find Ryuji anywhere, Mamoru ran through the village, screaming out for Ryuji while silently praying that the worst has not come yet.

To his relief and horror, he found Ryuji alive, but his left eye was sliced out by the Grimm. Mamoru rushed to save him, but before he could, he saw the impossible happen. His childhood friend turned into a Dragon right in front of him and started going on a rampage, killing not only the Grimm, but destroying the village as well. Mamoru hid away, praying to God that he would not die to whatever God has decided to throw at him. Miraculously, his prayers were answered and Ryuji turned back into a Human before he got caught up in his destruction.

When Mamoru lifted his head and see how Ryuji was doing, he saw how distraught Ryuji was from this incident. He wanted to run up to Ryuji, to tell him that everything was going to be okay, that they could figure out whatever this is together. But that hope was destroyed when the Union Atlas Forces showed up. Despite being too late to save anything, the Union Atlas Forces walked around the place as if they were owed something.

But the worst thing that they did, was to brand Ryuji a Villain because of the destruction that he brought to the village. Mamoru was enraged, how dare they brand him, the one who saved the village from the Grimm, his friend, a Villain. Yes, he did destroy the village, but at least he managed save something unlike them.

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