Chapter 1 - The Dragon of Liberation

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The Continent of Union, ruled over by the very Nation that has control over the Continent under the same name. This Continent has three main capitals as each one is controlled by three separate groups that fall under the same category. Union City, located more inland as they have high walls that block outside forces from getting in, like Grimm. Union City contains Union Academy, where people train to become Huntsmen, Huntresses or Heroes. However, the Magic Knights also have their main Squad bases within the capital, or somewhere on the outskirts as the Wizard King resides within Union City as well.

Then the second main capital, located closer to the Demi-Human region is the City of Melromarc. Through time, the Kingdom of Melromarc became integrated with Union as they fall under Union's jurisdiction. They may not be as advanced or close to the levels of technology that Union may have, but they help control the populaces of Demi-Humans and some Faunus within those regions, and in return, they get provided aid by the Union Atlas Forces. Though Guilds also thrive around Melromarc because of the dangers of Grimm and other monsters that exist around those areas, receiving amazing rewards in return.

As for the third capital, located high up in the sky, and the city that tends to move around a lot. This city would be known as Atlas City. Atlas City, run by the Atlas Corporation is by far, the most advanced in technological prowess as their military consisted of the alliance between Union and Atlas, known as the Union Atlas Forces. However, there are rumours that the Headmaster of Atlas Academy, who trains future Union Atlas Soldiers and Specialists, General James Ironwood has been experimenting on certain projects, but due to his massive success in this industry, no one bothers to question his authority or accomplishments.

Yet even with these three main capitals, the Continent of Union isn't the most perfect. Crime always fills the corners of this Continent, including those of higher authority, no matter where you go, you may find one or two at the very least. However, Villains have been an issue for Union as of late since they appear to be more organized than ever before, yet that didn't stop Union as they did what they could to stop Villains from getting away with such things. 

However, there are truths that Union wants to keep behind closed doors, as the supposed leaders of Union, known as the Headmasters want to keep secretive from the public eye. There are some good people within Union, one can admit that, coming from certain backgrounds that made them genuinely good people, but that doesn't overweigh the corruption that seeps from within. Whether it be from good or bad intentions, the Headmasters and the Union Atlas Forces somehow pin the blames on those who try to bring the good, even if it was through violent means.

Our story kicks off within the floating city known as Atlas City as its magnificent splendour was displayed above the clouds within the night sky. Home to the Atlas Corporation, they have built this floating city by utilizing technology, and the combination of Dust to form Gravity Dust, being powered by Gravity Dust Engines that kept this city afloat. This city is considered to be amongst the safest, as most Grimm wouldn't be able to reach this place, except for Grimm that know how to fly, but they would be taken care of easily by their Union Atlas Forces.

 This city is considered to be amongst the safest, as most Grimm wouldn't be able to reach this place, except for Grimm that know how to fly, but they would be taken care of easily by their Union Atlas Forces

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