The Phoenix Rebellion Twins: Adama & Arla Amami

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(These two OCs belong to Void_Existence)

Adama Amami




Name:Arla Amami

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Arla Amami

The Child of Light




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From birth, both Adama and Arla were unnatural. The older of the two brothers, Adama was in many eyes, terrifying. He would seem normal at first glance, looking like any normal kid, but there was something to him. A terrible Aura that could be felt by all else, a sickening feeling that consumed everyone in terror. He was a scary young boy, a boy no one wanted to be friends with, for the most part that is. He, throughout many years of his childhood, never had a friend, except for one of course. His brother Arla, was seemingly the opposite of him.

The very second that Arla was born, his body emitted a bright light that lit up the streets. All who were in range of his light felt at ease, happy and calm, making him favoured over his brother by everyone. But even then, Arla never let that get to his head. Though it was a fact that everyone loved Arla more than Adama, Arla never rubbed it against him, and since no one would be friends with his brother, he decided to be.

Adama and Arla went on with each other, slowly growing up, and finding more friends. Though it took a bit, Adama had managed to find friends, which was amazing news. As the two grew up with their friends, they did their best to survive in the harsh landscape they were unfortunately born in, but they didn't let that drag them down. They pushed forward with the will to live, and managed to survive. They did pretty well for themselves, until a horrid event occurred.

On one bad day, their hometown was attacked by the creatures of Grimm. The two at the time were powerless to do anything, so they ran. Adama and Arla ran for their lives as their hometown was under attack from the creatures of Grimm. They ran with all their might, the adrenaline pumping through their veins. The fear and terror of the situation was too overwhelming, but their only thought was to escape and survive. Luckily for them, they managed to escape safely, but they had to watch as their home crumbled to dust.

That day, they didn't just lose their home, but later on, they found out that one of their friends, Ryuji Kaida, was the one who destroyed the place after transforming into a Dragon, wrecking the tower with his power. It was unbelievable for the two, and they didn't believe it in the slightest. They knew that there was no way that their friend would've done it, but what could they do about it?

There was nothing they could do to prove he didn't do anything wrong, and him disappearing didn't help them either. With no way to continue, all they could do was to continue to survive. Arla tried to get over the incident, but Adama hung onto it. He swore to not just annihilate the creatures of Grimm, but also prove that Ryuji never did anything wrong. But of course, to do that, he needed power. He needed to become strong.

Though Arla didn't like how Adama was continuing with such a difficult goal, he supported his brother's decision. Arla helped Adama get the stuff he needed to get stronger, helping his brother train endlessly. As time went on, Adama grew stronger, not only is he powerful physically, but also mentally. Not only that, during his time training, his senses got sharper. So sharp that he could sense the energy of people. This was a wonderful ability to have, but achieving this ability allowed him to see something no one else has seen. 

Adama knew his brother was gifted with some weird ability, everyone knew that, but after unlocking this ability, when he laid eyes upon his brother, he was shocked to say the least. His brother, Arla, was surrounded by a hurricane of incalculable power. Limitless amounts of energy flowing wildly around him as if it was dancing.

Of course, he told Arla about this, but he didn't quite get it, but well, that didn't matter to Adama. He was excited to see the potential for power that his borther had, but to his disappointment, Arla didn't plan to train his power or body. Adama tried to convince him, but he wouldn't budge so with a dissatisfied sigh, Adama decided to leave it at that.

A couple of years pass from that moment, everything was peaceful for the two. Adama lessened his training a little, and had began to stop trying to find proof of their friend Ryuji being innocent on that incident years ago. Arla did at times give in to training with Adama, making him somewhat able to control the energy around him to a degree, but it wasn't anything too crazy.

As time went on, they were living pretty nicely, until one day, a knock on their door was heard. When they opened it, they were met with their old childhood friend Ryuji Kaida. A rather warm reunion, though it didn't last for too long before the two of them were asked to join a group that Ryuji has made.

Powers: (Adama Amami)

Energy Sense:
After years of training, Adama Amami unlocked the ability to sense any lifeforms of energy and the amount of it.

Superhuman Physicality:
Adama Amami's body is tough and powerful, packing enough strength to tussle with monsters.

Aura of Unknown Terror:
A powerful Aura that has surrounded his body since birth, sometimes seemingly helps power his body and grow stronger.

Powers: (Arla Amami)

Limitless Energy:
An inexhaustible pool of power that Arla Amami can draw from at any given moment. He never gets tired or hungry, he has no need for sleep and he can constantly continue to be active with zero breaks. Said amount of energy can also be used in different ways. One of the things you can always see him do with the energy is heal himself and others. He does need to try and heal, just being close to him closes the wounds of allies. Furthermore, the energy can be released as attacks, though he can't control it well at all. If he did try to attack with the energy, it would come out as a massive and destructive force that would not stop no matter what and annihilate everything until he is knocked out.

Calming Aura:
An Aura that calms people down. 

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