The World of Terra

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Ryuji POV:

Terra, the very world we can refer to as our home. It is quite vibrant, different and rather strange at times due to I guess evolutions. To start off, some things do need to be explained as I have a feeling that this might be a long story altogether.

To start off, there isn't just Terra that we know, as there are also possibly other realities we aren't fully aware of just yet. The different linkages that exists are very vast that it's hard to tell if they are part of our very world or not. The Heavens, the Underworld, and Terra are somewhat connected in their various ways. Yet while I may know nothing about the Console Continent to the East, and the Continent known as Teyvat to the South, but I am well versed within the formation of Union, the very Nation and Continent that we reside on.

In truth, there are two species that originated from this Continent. The Humans and the Faunus, but later on it was discovered that many other various species that aren't well known except amongst the Supernatural side are rare exceptions and don't appear all too often. Originally, Humans and Faunus have what we could say, a bad blood relationship. Both sides were in a conflict as Humans didn't see them as equals, deciding to send them off to the Island of Menagerie, a reference to keeping them in like wild animals.  

Yet as Humanity continued to improve things, advancements in technology and Magical aspects, there came an issue that we can all agree on. The creatures of Grimm, a ravenous, destructive force that covers the majority of Union. While often referred to simply as Grimm in the common vernacular, these creatures serve as the greatest foe to all of Humankind and other species that choose to reside on the Continent of Union. As far back as Humans can recall exploring the Continent as a whole, so do they remember these wicked abominations. 

Many of the ancient cultures believed that the creatures of Grimm to be animals possessed by evil spirits, or perhaps the tortured spirits of animals themselves. However, further studies have much to say otherwise after discovering more horrific forms of Grimm, supporting against this form of hypothesis. Everyday, newer creatures of Grimm were discovered as years pass, the scientists perpetually find themselves with more questions than actual answers. 

While very little is known about the origins of these wicked abominations, key facts were observed amongst their wild habitable nature. First off, the Grimm exclusively attack Humans, or those who resemble Humanity. While skirmishes between wild animals and Grimm have occurred before, it was mostly based around territorial behaviours rather than needing to feast to sustain themselves. In fact, the most common belief, is that the Grimm aren't obligated to feed, that they simply choose to feast when they want to. 

Yet what is quite unsettling to most about these wicked abominations, is the basis of their attraction. The creatures of Grimm are lured towards negative emotions. In rare instances when towns and villages are capable of defending against a wave of Grimm, their survival isn't one hundred percent guaranteed. As when widespread panic occurs, it would only lead to further complications when even more Grimm attacks occur. Unfortunately, little is known about these abominations, as keeping them in captivity has understandably been quite a difficult task, so it is rarely done as they either die or kill those who captured them in the first place.  

As further complications that is left furtherly unexplained, the corpse of a Grimm will only remain for a short period of time before completely evaporating. Those who have tried hunting these wicked abominations for sport, usually find this particularly upsetting. However, the ones who hunt them manage to get by through purchasing cheap recreations and perhaps some fairy tales they could come up with. 

Although these abominations appear mindless, more further studies have proven that is rather contradictory. It was noted that while younger Grimm tend to be more reckless, older Grimm who have managed to survive their battles, have the tendency to learn from their experiences, and will exercise caution in the future. This perverse form of self preservation, allows these creatures to become more effective killers. In the end, killing is all that matters to these creatures.

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