Plot pt2

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Karl huffs. "You, my darling angel sweetpea, are too lovely for this world." He hauls Sapnap to his feet, and before he can protest shoves him toward the omega. "Ask him if he's okay, then."

Sapnap stumbles, and before he can withdraw his obnoxious entrance has already attracted the omega's attention. He glances at Sapnap, taking in his ripped jeans and band t-shirt, and sniffs in suspicion.

"Hey." Sapnap awkwardly shouts over the music after a long moment, deciding that since he's been forced into this situation, he might as well make the most of it. "Can I buy you a drink? Uh- some water maybe?" He gestures at the guy's fourth drink since he arrived.

The shorter looks down at his drink, looks back up at Sapnap, and seems to make his mind up about something. "You can buy me something stronger." He says eventually, and when Sapnap grins he can practically hear Karl's cheers of encouragement in the back of his mind.

He nods and gestures the bartender over, ordering two alcohol-free beers. A raised eyebrow from the man has him shrugging, "you look like you need a break, and it is technically stronger."

The omega hesitates before smiling back. "Not by much. You're a beta?"

"Yeah. Yes, yeah." Sapnap nods, "I am."

The guy seems amused by this answer, but it's a league better than rejection, so Sapnap doesn't mind too much. He settles on the stool next to him, deciding against checking back to see if Karl is still by the bar wiggling his eyebrows at him.

"Cool. I'm omega."

Sapnap nods. "I figured." But then cringes when he realises that's probably rude considering how sensitive this guy was to alpha's earlier. Fully expecting rejection, or a drink to the face or something, he's surprised when the noirette laughs softly, eyes twinkling in curious enjoyment.

"And what made you figure?" He exaggerates the last word with the tease, as if he knows that he's a mouse cornering a cat.

Well fuck. What's a polite way to say your fat ass?

Sapnap stutters, before clearing his throat. "Your.. fat ass."

The omega is clearly not expecting this answer, and he stares at Sapnap in silence for a long minute, the corner of his lips twitching up in wonder. Then he bursts into a fit of gorgeous giggles, and Sapnap thinks that that must be the most intense sensation of relief ever felt in the history of man.

He slowly comes to stop with his laughter, before reaching a hand out to be shaken with a smile still wide on his face. "Hi, I'm Alex Quackity, pleasure to meet you."

Were Sapnap not to have shaken his hand in that moment, the only reason would have been because he was physically paralysed everywhere and wasn't able to. Not a single thought passed through his mind that was anything similar to "walk away". He feels blessed just being in this guy's presence, he is not going to screw it up.

"Sapnap." He takes the offered hand, trying not to grip too hard or little, and begging his sweat rate doesn't match his internal blush. "Uh, I'm Sapnap Halo. 'Quackity' is an interesting last name."

It's a lame start up to conversation, but the omega takes it in his stride. "Well Sapnap is an interesting first name." He rebuts, and takes a sip of his new drink before continuing. "And I'm aware, my friends have even started quacking at me every time they want my attention."

Sapnap smiles amusedly at the thought. "Hah, they sound fun."

"They're not. They're the worst pile of assholes I've ever met."

The two share polite laughs at the joke—or, presumed joke—and Sapnap's mind wanders until an unbridled thought comes to mind. He's laughing at it before he can even get the words out. "I guess-" he's cut off by his laughter, and the omega raises a curious eyebrow. "I guess people with duck kinks really like moaning your name, huh?"

Quackity processes the statement, and then slowly begins laughing at both the absurdity and humour of it. "You—what?!" He cackles.

Sapnap sniggers as new scenarios keep coming to mind unbidden. "Like, you can imagine the guy just-" and then he makes the best attempt he can at a realistic quack, but with seduction to it. Quackity begins to piss himself with laughter, and as Sapnap joins him he realises that he's flirting through quacking; and is almost definitely drunk.

"Okay, Sapnap, Jesus. I didn't wanna hear about your weird-ass kinkss-" Quackity can't control his laughter long enough to get out the sentence, and ends up doubling over on his stool as he accidentally makes his own almost-quack-wheezing-snort through his laughter.

It only sends the pair into more extreme howls of laughter, and soon enough they're just loudly quacking at each other over the music, trying to see who can make it sound the most erotic.






Quackity's hand latches onto Sapnap's lower arm for stability as he laughs, and suddenly the ravenette is aware of every single one of his arm hairs in that specific region and is praying to every God that could potentially exist that he couldn't sweat around his wrists no matter how flustered he were. Quackity leans close to Sapnap's face with a glint in his eye and a wide smile from leftover sniggers. "How on earth could you quack erotically so well?"

Sapnap grins back. "Well. It only took a few years of experience-" Quackity giggles, "-but I could give you a full demonstration in bed."

He winks half-jokingly, leaning on his elbows as Quackity lets go of his wrist to lean in closer. "Are you tryna take me home with you, hot-shot?" he interrogates with a smirk.

Sapnap matches his leaning-in distance, and the air between them turns thinner. "Well, uh, it would have to be you taking me home as my place is occupied. But we can do anything you wanna do, ducky."

Quackity smiles, and this close Sapnap can see every crack in his chewed lips, and every mole and freckle. He wants to count them. "I'm sure we can work something out," Quackity shrugs, "you seem like a cool guy."

Sapnap grins, going to say more, before he's interrupted by Quackity continuing.

"But I have to mention this would need to be a one-time thing, sweetheart, my relationship status is a little complicated right now and I don't need a whole other person to worry about."

"I was just about to say the exact same thing." Sapnap's smile is matched by his companion, and Quackity seems to let out some kind of thankful breath of relief.

"That's-" the omega is clearly trying to hold back a larger grin. "Great. That's uh, very convenient. Wow."

"Cool." Sapnap glances around, noticing Karl is gone again, then turns back to the other with an affirming smile. "You want another drink in the meantime?"

"Something non-alcoholic, I presume." Quackity leans back to be sat normally in his seat, smirking fondly.

Sapnap falters. "Well, I suppose that depends how sad you still are by whatever got you here in the first place. You seemed to be going through them quickly before and I have a rule about sleeping with black-out drunks." Or, he did, about five years ago when he was still sleeping with people.

Quackity shuffles, his expression flickering. "That's fair enough." It's a moment before he speaks again. "You've cheered me up a lot, and played a great distraction. I'll be okay with a couple beers, promise."

Sapnap bites his lips with a smile. "I'll order the first round, then."

1245 words.

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