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Quackity's apartment is tiny, the entire place about the size of he and Karl's living room. The bed takes up most of the space, and then there's a small kitchenette next to it, and a tiny bathroom intruding in on the space. Then the rest of it is taken up by a probably-second-hand wardrobe and an old tv stacked on storage boxes facing the bed.

The omega is clearly quite embarrassed by it, but Sapnap is too drunk to express his pity or properly judge, instead he just leads Quackity to his own bed so he can take off his shoes and socks like a gentleman. "Hmm." The omega hums as he watches him wrangle the sock off his foot. "I'm learning about a lot of your kinks today."

He earns a pinch on the ankle for that, and the omega laughs brightly and pulls Sapnap up and toward him. They kiss again, and Quackity lies back so that Sapnap can climb on top of him, making out all the way. Arousal churns in his chest, and it releases itself through hands stroking the omega's skin anywhere he can touch, pushing up his T-shirt to caress his ribs as he licks into his mouth.

Quackity moans in appreciation, louder now they're alone, and pushes up and into his hands. He sits up a little so Sapnap can properly pull off his shirt, not giving him any time to admire the exposed skin before pulling at Sapnap's shirt in return. That's taken off too, and then they're staring at each other, breaths coming out in harsh pants.

Quackity lifts his hands to cross over his thin stomach, staring at Sapnap's exposed tummy without shame. "Stop looking," he complains, and Sapnap rolls his eyes fondly. "Hypocrite." He accuses, but doesn't bother continuing his argument and instead leans in to kiss him again.

The omega laughs into his mouth, and Sapnap shuffles so he's lying against the headboard and Quackity can sit in his lap. He grinds down as they make out, and it turns sloppy as the tension increases. It's not long before he can feel slick soaking through Quackity's trousers against his jeans, and the omega's movements start stuttering as he gets more and more breathless.

Sapnap pulls away from the kiss, and his hands find their way into Quackity's hips to help him thrust against his thigh. The strong and bright smell of aroused omega fills the air, and now more obvious the beta can finally pick it out as a unique smell of citrus and sweet orange. Quackity's face is flushed as the room grows hotter, eyes clenched closed with frustration as Sapnap practically manhandles him into grinding.

"You're so pretty," Sapnap breathes in awe, "so fucking gorgeous, holy shit baby."

"Sap-" Quackity moans. "Sapnap, shit. You feel so good."

Sapnap laughs breathlessly. "I haven't even done anything, lovely. You were a little pent up, huh?" Though he's the one acting like a hypocrite now, as his own arousal is clear through his jeans.

"Fuck off." Quackity complains, flashing him a brief frown and lightly wacking his shoulder. Sapnap laughs harder, and pulls Quackity tightly to him in a punishing hug; it also prevents him from grinding down against his thigh effectively. "No.. No, no."

Sapnap feels a little lightheaded with the power-rush of holding the omega back, especially when Quackity begins to writhe and struggle tiredly in his grasp. He doesn't satisfy him though, excited to get the main event, and instead carefully rolls them over so Quackity is lying against the sheets while Sapnap cages over him with his body.

"Bitch." Quackity slowly comes down from his breathlessness, and when he can finally open his eyes properly he narrows them in annoyance. Sapnap flashes him a smile as he sits up, glancing at the messy bedside table. "You have condoms, baby?"

Quackity loses his frown quickly at the question, realising what's happening now, and sits up on his elbows to gesture to the bottom drawer. Sapnap leans down and retrieves one from an almost completely filled box, and when he settles back the omega's looking up in anticipation. He looks debauched; lips red and bitten, with drool still wet at the corner of his mouth and cheeks flushed from earlier excitement.

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