longgg chapter of porn

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10:25am, Karl: also try and get the omega's number!! u guys were super super cute and ik we weren't v serious about a third but I kinda wanna fuck him too lolll. don't if u don't wanna or he don't wanna tho no pressure!!! lov you babs hope ur okay xx

3:53pm, Sapnap: im omw home babe, expect fun things when i get back im so fucking horny

His name was alex quackity thats why we were quacking lol

Hes so funny karl u would love him

This uber is so slow i miss u and wanna fuck u

Ok five minutes away

Karl had been working at his computer all day and didn't have a chance to check his phone, so when he hears the front door slam and footsteps thundering up the stairs, he's unprepared when he doesn't get much of a chance to say hello to his fiance before being dragged to the bedroom.

Loud laughter tumbles from his mouth, and he pronounces a purposely sensual "hey, baby" before being pushed onto his back to land against the pillows, given the brief instruction to "strip" as Sapnap's already unbuttoning his own slick-soaked jeans.

He's barely been around Sapnap a minute and Karl can already smell the aftermath of the omega he was with, a sweet citrusy-ness that has him making a soft sound into the shirt he's pulling over his head. His alpha instincts are going haywire, jumping between wanting to press his lovely beta into the bed and claim him like he would the omega, or wanting to bend over and wiggle his ass teasingly so his beta can show him exactly what he did to the omega.

Their bed is still unmade from when he couldn't be bothered this morning, but rather than straightening the sheets out Karl just flings the duvet off the bed, too excited for what he's realised is about to happen. Then he settles back against the pillows, naked and waiting for his sweet beta to claim what's his.

Sapnap grins as he finally gets all of his clothes off, clambering up and attaching his lips to Karl's in a passionate kiss that leaves them both panting.

"I guess you had a good time, then?" Karl murmurs as his fiance lowers his mouth to begin pressing harsh kisses against his neck.

"Thank you." Sapnap mutters in lieu of a reply. "Thank you for introducing me- oh, god it was amazing Karl, I can see why you-" His words are jumbled and sentences cut short as he begins to rut down against Karl's cock, drawing moans out of both of them.

"It was so much better than I remembered it being like in college."

"That makes sense." Karl breathes, and a soft noise escapes his mouth as Sapnap begins to kiss down his chest. "People our age are more experienced, I guess. You were doing it when everyone was freshly eighteen, right? Of course it was shit."

Sapnap hums, though he doesn't look much like he's listening as he sucks Karl's nipple into his mouth and swirls his tongue around the bud.

Karl's breathing heavily when he speaks up again. "And also the omega was so fucking sexy, any sex with him would be good." He huffs a laugh, "I was eyeing him up for so long before I pushed you toward him, I was genuinely devastated when I realised he wasn't looking for someone to spend the night with."

Sapnap lifts his head, cheeks flushed and eyebrow quirked. "So you made me talk to him even though you knew he was pushing people away?"

Karl grins, and Sapnap's faux-annoyed expression falls to more one of complete and utter attraction. "Better you than me." He giggles when Sapnap nips lightly at his skin as punishment. "And besides it's like I said, most omegas prefer betas these days anyway, who wouldn't fall at your feet?"

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