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Quackity has never really been one for hookups.

Relationships? Sure. He's had a few, he's certainly no virgin. And of course he's kissed friends when drunk and at parties. But never has he been the kind of guy that sleeps with someone for the sake of sleeping with them.

He prefers it when sex means something; when there's a history or emotion behind it. When it's drunk nonsense you'll forget about by morning there's no point to it.

He supposes that's why when he let himself succumb to the stupidly beautiful beta at the bar a week ago; he didn't forget about their time together by the next morning.

Or the morning after that.

Or the morning after that.

Quackity can't stop thinking about it, and not only is it weird and totally out of character for him—usually it takes a while for him to form any kind of connection with anyone, emotional or obsessive—but also it's fucking annoying. His life is busy enough as is, and he has enough to be worrying about. It was months ago for god's sake, he should be over it by now.

The last thing he needs is waking up in the morning with a lingering disappointment that he didn't wake up with a certain someone, or how his sex drive is suddenly at a hundred and ten percent whenever his thoughts distract him where it used to be at a moderate sixty no matter what he was doing.

His friends certainly aren't helping. They have infinite amounts of topics of conversation, especially with all of the drama in their lives at the moment, but for some reason all they like to focus on is the fact Quackity hooked up with someone. And a beta at that.

And since he works with them, it's hard to get away from the teasing.

Niki is the worst, especially since Quackity has the most shifts with her. The mocking is constant. "So how much is he paying for your next session?" Or, "When are you going to tell me how big it was?" (That ones the worst, as it makes him think about how big it was, and then he needs to go on a bathroom break.)

The worst part is the fact they work as baristas in a very popular cafe in the centre of the city, so whenever Niki does decide to tease him, not only is he forced to listen to the other's ridiculous gossiping, but a long line of customers are too. It makes the entire situation all the more embarrassing.

Truth is, Quackity doesn't want anything to do with the beta. Their time together may have been life-changing, but now his life has been changed, so the deed is done. He's totally okay with never seeing Sapnap again. Totally. He would just be another thing to worry about.

His life has been enough of a whirlwind lately. The last thing he needs is to introduce another factor, it's self-care.

"It's not though, is it?" Niki raises an eyebrow at him from where she's typing in an order at the till. "It's you being a wimp," she puts on her customer service voice and addresses the woman across the counter, "cash or card?.. yep, brilliant.. okay thank you, your order will be done shortly.. next!"

"Niki, you need to let it go. I'm over it, I'm done!"

"Liar." She shakes her head, then puts the voice on again. "And will that be all for you today? Okay great.."

Quackity ignores her in favour of starting on the new drink, silently cursing when he notices how the caramel syrup is running low: of course it would during lunch hour. "I need to go to the back." He announces, glad to be getting away from the girl.

She sends him a pointed look, and he isn't sure whether it's for abandoning her while it's busy or for avoiding the conversation, but he's gone before he can figure it out, her amused laugh chasing him the whole way.

𝙈𝙀𝙇𝙊𝘿𝙍𝘼𝙈𝘼𝙏𝙄𝘾 𝙈𝙊𝙉𝙊𝙂𝘼𝙈𝙔 | karlnapityWhere stories live. Discover now